Retour Training of Trainers on Prohibition of Ill-treatment and Combating Impunity in Turkey

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

A training of trainers on prohibition of ill-treatment and combating impunity took place on 24-28 September 2018 in Antalya, Turkey in the framework of the Project on “Improving the Effectiveness of Investigation of Allegations of Ill-Treatment and Combatting Impunity in Turkey”. The training gathered 22 trainees, including judges and public prosecutors, members and presidents of courts, and representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Court of Cassation, and the Council of Judges and Prosecutors, who successfully completed the 5-day practical course on the relevant aspects of the European Convention of Human Rights as well as adult training methodology.

The trainees will continue conducting peer-to peer trainings on the topic under the auspices of the training centre of the Ministry of Justice. This will enable Turkish prosecutors and judges to better understand and apply relevant standards of the European Court of Human Rights in the fight against ill treatment and impunity.

The training of trainers was conducted on the basis of the module and materials on prohibition of ill treatment which was created and adapted by the team of international and national consultants. This module will be incorporated in the annual programme of the training centre of the Ministry of Justice.

The Project “Improving the Effectiveness of Investigation of Allegations of Ill-Treatment and Combatting Impunity in Turkey” is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and Human Rights Trust Fund and implemented by the Council of Europe in partnership with the Human Rights Department within the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Turkey.

Antalya 24-28 September 2018
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