Retour Training on legal reasoning of judgments: Well-reasoned judicial decisions are the key safeguard to the proper delivery of justice

Training on legal reasoning of judgments: Well-reasoned judicial decisions are the key safeguard to the proper delivery of justice

Training on legal reasoning and legal writing of civil judgments took place in Banja Luka on 6-7 March 2024. A total of 25 judges and judicial assistants from first and second instance courts enhanced their drafting and analytical skills, actively contributing to upholding human rights and effectively implementing the European Convention on Human Rights at the domestic level.

Well-reasoned judicial decisions serve as a crucial safeguard against arbitrary adjudication, ensuring the proper administration of justice and fostering public trust in the judicial system. This fundamental right is explicitly stated in the European Court of Human Rights' case law under Article 6 of the ECHR. Recognising the significance of this, the Council of Europe remains committed to supporting domestic judges in meeting their obligation to provide detailed reasoning in their judgments, adhering to the standards set forth by the ECHR.

The training was organised in cooperation with the Judicial and Prosecutorial Training Centres of Republika Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the project: “Support to a coherent national implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and facilitating execution of ECtHR judgments in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.

Banja Luka 6-7 March 2024
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