Retour Visit to the French Ministry of Justice

Visit to the French Ministry of Justice

On 4-5 April 2024, the Council of Europe TJENI project, in cooperation with the French Ministry of Justice, held a visit aimed to present the digitalisation of the French justice system, as well as concrete innovative tools in this area, with a specific focus on transparency and accessibility of justice, as well as human rights protection through digitalisation.

In coordination with the Delegation for European and International Affairs of the French Ministry of Justice, the event involved multiple directorates and services of that Ministry (Penitentiary Administration, Expertise and Modernisation, Judicial Services, Criminal Affairs), the Inter-ministerial Digital Directorate (DINUM), the National Commission on Informatics and Freedoms (CNIL), the National school of Magistracy (ENM) and the Court of cassation.

The visit was concluded by an exchange on the national experiences and initiatives in the area of digitalisation of justice with presentations from representatives of Greece, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and the World Bank.

The project “Foster Transparency of Judicial Decisions and Enhancing the National Implementation of the ECHR” is implemented by the Council of Europe and funded by the EEA and Norway Grants fund for Regional Cooperation.

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