Découvrez comment nous soutenons la mise en œuvre des standards du Conseil de l’Europe en matière de droits humains, justice et coopération juridique. En plus de nos nombreux projets et programmes de coopération, nous menons une variété d'activités ponctuelles.

Facilitating access to human rights and essential services for internally displaced persons and returnees at the community level

01/02/2024 au 31/01/2026 Country Specific

Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” (2023-2026)

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Strengthening Ukrainian Law Enforcement Agencies During War and Post-War Period

01/01/2023 au 31/12/2024 Country Specific

Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” (2023-2026)

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Reinforcing national execution of the European Court's judgments by Georgia

01/01/2024 au 31/12/2025 Country Specific

Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2024-2027

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Fostering human rights in the armed forces in Armenia

01/01/2023 au 31/12/2024 Country Specific

Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023-2026

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Support to the functioning of justice in the war and post-war context in Ukraine

01/01/2023 au 31/12/2024 Country Specific

Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” (2023-2026)

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HELP in Tunisia

01/01/2023 au 31/12/2025 Country Specific

Neighbourhood Partnership with Tunisia 2022-2025

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HELP implementing the ECHR

15/11/2021 au 31/12/2024 Multilateral

Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023-2026

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OCEAN (Open Council of Europe Academic Networks)

01/07/2022 au 30/06/2025 Multilateral Group

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PGG III: Support to development of the constitutional justice in Ukraine

01/03/2023 au 31/08/2025 Country Specific

Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” (2023-2026)

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Facilitating Housing Solutions for the War-Affected People in Ukraine

01/01/2023 au 31/12/2024 Country Specific

Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” (2023-2026)

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HELP in the Western Balkans

01/01/2023 au 31/12/2024 Regional

Overview of Co-operation Activities in Kosovo* 2023

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Fostering Human Rights in the Criminal Justice System in Ukraine

01/01/2023 au 31/12/2024 Country Specific

Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” (2023-2026)

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South Programme V - C8 - HELP Regional

01/09/2022 au 31/08/2025 Regional

Neighbourhood Partnership with Morocco 2022-2025; Neighbourhood Partnership with Tunisia 2022-2025

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