The main partners and beneficiaries of the Project are Ministry of Defence (MoD); Ministry of Justice (MoJ); Office of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia Governmental Agent of the Republic of Armenia before the European Court of Human Rights (Governmental Agent); Security Council (SC); Human Rights Defender’s Office (HRDO); Justice Academy (JA), Law Enforcement Bodies and the Civil Society organisations (CSOs).

The main objective of the Project is to ensure that human rights in the armed forces in Armenia are respected and promoted, and the role of women in the military is enhanced.

Three expected results are foreseen under the project:

  • Legislative, regulatory framework and procedures are improved for effectively preventing, investigating and eradicating human rights violations in the armed forces, and the commitments of state authorities on gender equality and gender mainstreaming in the armed forces are translated into action;
  • Relevant institutions have enhanced capacities to prevent, conduct effective investigation of human rights violations in the armed forces, including capacities to ensure full and effective equality of women and men;
  • Military officers, including gender advisors, are empowered to deal with human rights issues in the armed forces, including discrimination, and ensure strong and coherent leadership in support of implementation of gender equality and gender mainstreaming policies.

With a view to achieving these results, the following types of activities will be implemented:

  • Providing recommendations on the draft legislation and other regulatory frameworks pertaining to effectively preventing, investigating and eradicating human rights violations in the armed forces, including more specifically discrimination of and inequality among women and men;
  • Supporting the national stakeholders, in particular law enforcement bodies, to establish Internal regulatory instruments and procedures to ensure effective investigation of fatalities in the armed forces and full and effective equality of women and men in the military;
  • Establishing a platform for improving the exchange of information and cooperation between stakeholders concerning the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and execution of the Court’s judgments related to human rights violations in the armed forces in Armenia;
  • Enhancing the capacities of the HRDO for monitoring human rights violations in the armed forces;
  • Training a group of gender advisors – champions of human rights – so they are able to demonstrate professional competence and increased knowledge of the relevant substantive areas of work and provide support and content expertise on mainstreaming a gender approach into key elements of the MoD’s work;
  • Conducting awareness raising activities, as well as training and workshops for military personnel and future conscripts visà-vis human rights and equality in the context of the armed force;
  • Conducting capacity-building activities for the newly established Unit on the Work with Women Servicepersons and to be established General Department on Health Care and Social Protection of Service Persons and Veterans’ Affairs of the MoD; Governmental Agent’s Office and the HRDO to better protect human rights in the armed forces.
  • Project information

  • Duration: 24 months (1 June 2020 – 31 May 2022)
  • Place/country: Armenia
  • Budget: EUR 630 000
  • Funding: The Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2019-2022

Project documentation

Retour Human rights in the armed forces in focus of a study visit to Sweden of a delegation of Armenia’s Ministry of Defence and the Human Rights Defender’s Office staff

Human rights in the armed forces in focus of a study visit to Sweden of a delegation of Armenia’s Ministry of Defence and the Human Rights Defender’s Office staff

On 22-23 November 2022, a delegation from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Human Rights Defender’s Office of the Republic of Armenia (HRDO) consisting of 12 persons, participated in a study visit held in Swedish Armed Forces´ Headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. The visit was organized within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Human Rights and Women in the Armed Forces in Armenia – Phase II” (the “Project”).


The delegation included the Assistant and the Gender Advisor of the Minister of Defence, the Head of the Human Rights and Integrity Building Centre of the MoD, Deputy Human Rights Defender, representatives of the Women Councils of military units and other professionals from the MoD and the HRDO.


The two-day visit consisted of briefings and discussions at the Swedish Armed Forces on disciplinary system, including but not limited to the whistle-blower protection in armed forces, know-how and methodologies required to be an effective instrument of human rights and equality promotion in the army, including prevention of hazing and discrimination. In addition, a visit to one of the garrisons was organised, where the representatives of the Armenian delegation met with local employers and military police. The Armenian Delegation also visited the Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operation.


The Armenian and Swedish counterparts emphasized that the study visit provided an opportunity to discuss topics of mutual interest and common challenges with the peers. The representatives of the Armenian delegation were particularly interested in the system of military discipline, including the whistle-blower system, of as well as the conscription, which from 1 July 2017 became mandatory in Sweden for male and female. According to the Program of the Government of Armenia for 2021-2026, strengthening human rights and promoting women in the armed forces is a part of the strategic human rights agenda of the Government of Armenia. The large-scale process of structural and substantive reforms of the Armed Forces of Armenia has been launched with a view to gradually transition to a professional army. With this respect the experience of Sweden was of a particular interest.

The Project is implemented by the Council of Europe within the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia for 2019-2022.

Yerevan, Armenia 28 November 2022
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