
This Project aims to contribute to Malta’s efforts to implement justice reforms, support the operational independency of the Offices of the Attorney General and the State Advocate, strengthen their capacities and effectiveness of their operations. This will be achieved through the establishment of operational processes, measurements, continuous training and ICT integration. The Project will also contribute to the improvement of public trust, accountability and transparency of the institutions through supporting the development and implementation of respective communication strategies.

The project’s objectives are to support the development of the two offices by:

  1. Ensuring their full operational independency
  2. Improving public trust
  3. Improving their accountability and transparency.
  • Adoption of internal strategies and introduction of new tools for the institutional and -administrative reorganisation of the two Offices.
  • Adoption of communication strategies for the Offices of the Attorney General and State Advocate aiming at improving public trust and transparency.
  • Improved capacity of the Offices of the Attorney General and State Advocate to provide continuous professional development to their officers.
  • A new IT system supporting the operations of the Offices of the Attorney General and State Advocate is designed and approved.
  • Recommendations and support on internal policies, case weighting methodologies, efficiency indicators for the offices and performance management tools
  • Recommendations on drafting, administration and analysis of surveys to measure public trust
  • Communication and public relations strategy with action plan
  • Recommendations on institutional set up on training including focus group discussions and workshops
  • Training programs on legal topics and soft skills
  • Training of Trainers on selected topics
  • Guidelines on the design/development/integration of the requisite IT tools/infrastructure to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the procedures and operation
  • Office of the State Advocate
  • Office of the Attorney General
  • Ministry of Justice

Project information

  • Duration: 24 months (31 October 2023 – 31 October 2025)
  • Country: Malta
  • Funding: “This project is co-funded by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument and implemented by the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Commission.”