Retour Task force considers tools to track impact of new Human Rights Action Plan in Morocco

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The first workshop dedicated to developing indicators for Morocco’s National Action Plan for Democracy and Human Rights just concluded in Rabat. The objective was to consider ways through which progress and overall impact of the new Action Plan could be monitored.

The event gathered 20 focal points from key ministries and regional entities with a view to spark a collective and participatory dynamic, and effectively set up a task force to devise indicators of impact. Following a foundation course geared at creating a common understanding of relevant concepts and approaches, the group held brainstorming sessions, which resulted in a first set of indicators.

As one participant summarised, “this workshop established the prerequisites for local ownership. The methodology has encouraged us to move beyond institutional silos, and to take a fresh look at the Human Rights Action Plan. Most importantly, it has enabled us to approach issues, not just as civil servants, but also as citizens.”

Version française

Rabat 15-17 October 2019
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