Retour Mediation – an alternative to the examination of criminal cases in courts

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

The Council of Europe Programme "Promoting a Human Rights Compliant Criminal Justice System in the Republic of Moldova" (Component 1) has issued several publications that promote the application of mediation in criminal cases. Mediation is an alternative way to resolve amicably the dispute between the parties, with the help of a third party (mediator).

These publications were developed in cooperation with the Institute for Penal Reforms and the Mediation Council of the Republic of Moldova. The Institute for Penal Reforms is a non-governmental organisation that contributes to the respect of human rights in Moldova by reforming and monitoring the criminal justice system. The Mediation Council is a body under the Ministry of Justice, which organises and coordinates the activity of mediators.

The Guide on criminal mediation is intended for criminal investigation officers, prosecutors, lawyers and judges, as well as all stakeholders interested in the institution of criminal mediation. It is designed to provide them with a practical tool, which includes the legal framework regulating the application of criminal mediation. It describes the stages of the mediation process, the participants in mediation, the offences in which reconciliation by mediation shall remove the criminal liability, the purpose of mediation in other types of offences, particularities of the mediation procedure in cases involving minors, etc.

The Information Brochure on criminal mediation includes relevant information for suspected, accused and indicted persons, or victims / injured parties, civil parties of offences. It provides answers to practical questions related to reconciliation by mediation, the purpose of criminal mediation, the advantages of criminal mediation, the procedure for initiating the criminal mediation.

Both publications are available in Romanian and Russian:

Ghid privind medierea penală/Справочник по медиации в уголовных делах

Ce trebuie să știi despre medierea în cauzele penale?/Что следует знать о медиации в уголовных делах?

These publications on criminal mediation were produced with the financial support of Norway within the framework of the Council of Europe Programme "Promoting a Human Rights Compliant Criminal Justice System in the Republic of Moldova".

Chisinau 24 February 2021
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