Horizontal Facility logoThe main partners and beneficiaries of the Project are staff members of the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsperson of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The main objective is to strengthen the role of the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsperson of Bosnia and Herzegovina to prevent and combat discrimination in line with European standards.


The following results are expected:

  • strengthened capacity of the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsperson of Bosnia and Herzegovina to prevent and combat discrimination;
  • fostered cooperation between the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsperson of Bosnia and Herzegovina and other public institutions and NGOs in the fight against discrimination;

Project information

  • Duration: 28 months (1 June 2016 – 31 December 2018)
  • Place/ country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Budget: 800 000 €
  • Funding: European Union/Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey

Useful links

Project documentation


  • Assessment of the efficiency of the institution of Human Righst Ombudsman - ENG - BOS
  • Comparative study on advocacy capacities and activities of the Ombudsperson - ENG - BOS
  • Manual for civil servants, civil society and media for identification and proceedings in cases of discrimination - BOS