Funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, Implemented by the Council of EuropeThe main partners and beneficiaries of the Project are judges, prosecutors, lawyers, staff members of the Courts and Chief Prosecutor’s Office, policy and decision makers.

The main objective is to strengthen the criminal justice framework in line with European standards and enhance the capacity of legal professionals to apply those standards at the national level. The Project received an extension for twelve months in 2018. For more information, please click here.

The following results are expected:

  • primary and secondary legislation related to criminal justice, functioning of jury trials are amended/ developed to bring the legal framework in line with European standards;
  • relevant target groups (judges and prosecutors) have the necessary knowledge to carry out jury trials in line with ECHR requirements;
  • legal professionals (judges, prosecutors, lawyers) are enabled through initial and continuous training to use new legislation in a harmonised way and in line with the ECHR and the ECtHR case law;
  • city judges are enabled to re-examine the judgments in cases when ECtHR issues dissenting judgments on the grounds of violation of fair trial;
  • judges know how to use the Supreme Court’s database of cases to ensure uniformity of decisions;
  • Human Rights Centre staff at the Supreme Court has the ability to carry out their work more effectively.