The main partners and beneficiaries of the Project were the Presidential Administration, the Ministry of Justice, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the National Academy of Prosecution, the High Specialised Court for Civil and Criminal Cases, the National School of Judges, the Parliament, the Ministry of Interior, the Bar and lawyers’ organisations, the Ombudsperson institution, human rights NGOs.

The main objective of the Project was to improve the effectiveness of criminal justice in Ukraine in line with European standards, through:

  • a better application of the new Code of Criminal Procedure and the development of the new institutional role and operational capacity of the public prosecution;
  • legal advice and support to the drafting of the Law on the Office of the Public Prosecutor in line with the new Code, as well as of any other relevant legislation, sub-legislation and internal regulatory instruments of the public prosecution;
  • enhanced capacity of legal professionals to apply European standards in their daily work on the basis of the new Code.

The following results were achieved:

  1. The Project has significantly contributed to a more consistent and streamlined implementation of the new Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, resulting in a better protection of human rights in the criminal procedure,
  2. The advocacy efforts and extensive expertise provided in the framework of the Project brought about significant changes in the policy and regulatory framework enabling the reform of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and establishment of a State Bureau of Investigations.
  3. The Project enhanced the capacities of Ukrainian legal professionals.

A follow-up project “Continued Support to the Criminal Justice Reform in Ukraine” was developed by the Council of Europe and is funded by the Danish government funding, covering the period September, 2015 - February, 2019.

Project information

  • Duration: 33 months (1 January 2013 - 30 September 2015)
  • Place/ country: Ukraine
  • Budget: 1 800 000 €
  • Funding: Voluntary contribution - Government of Denmark

Project documentation

Experts opinions

Useful links

Needs assessment reports

  • Comparative table on the execution of functions similar to the ones in the area of supervision of adherence and application of laws, which are under the authority of the public prosecution service of Ukraine, in other CoE member states, 2013   ENG - UKR
  • Thematic Directory of the principles for a draft Law on the Public Prosecution Office of Ukraine, 2013 ENG - UKR