Funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, Implemented by the Council of EuropeThe main partners and beneficiaries of the Project represented 17 key Ukrainian justice sector institutions, including decision-makers (members of the parliament and of the Government of Ukraine, primarily the Ministry of Justice), members and staff of judicial self-governing authorities; judges, prosecutors, lawyers, criminal investigators, police and penitentiary officials, staff of the Ombudsperson’s Office, members of the civil society and media outlets involved in promoting justice reforms.

The main objectives were:

  • to give the Ukrainian justice sector stakeholders access to rapid and tailored expertise and advice on Council of Europe standards so that (a) conformity of the reform with Council of Europe standards is ensured, and (b) the targets and benchmarks for implementing the Justice Sector Reform Strategy (JSRS) can be met.
  • to accompany the reform by capacity building of stakeholders’ staff in order to enable them to implement the reform.
  • to facilitate the review of the progress of the reform of the Ukrainian justice sector
  • to contribute to ensuring public information and debate with civil society on the justice sector reform with a view to achieving broad understanding of and support for the reform.

The following results were achieved:

  • recommendations provided on the implementation of the JSRS to streamline the reform process and the reformed justice sector with Council of Europe standards in the course of 18 activities,
  • the mechanism in charge of coordinating the justice sector reform (Justice Reform Council) supported in its coordinating function, in particular through assisting the Special Advisor of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for Ukraine to carry out his role of JRC observer and provide advice on implementing and coordinating the justice reform;
  • the function of the JRC as the body monitoring the implementation of the JSRS and assessing the results of the reform strengthened by developing and putting at its disposal a comprehensive reform monitoring tool – Progress Review Methodology of Justice Sector Reform in Ukraine (PRM);
  • capacity of justice sector stakeholders to implement the reform strengthened in the course of 23 activities with the participation of judges, lawyers, prosecutors, trainers of justice sector training institutions, staff of Verkhovna Rada secretariat, SBU, police, migration and prison officers, staff of the Ministries of Justice, Defence and Health and of the Ombudsman Office, journalists covering court proceedings;
  • public awareness of and support of the civil society to the reform fostered by advocating for the adoption of constitutional amendments with regard to justice before legislators, supporting discussion platforms for reform modalities enabling exchange of views between justice sector institutions and the civil society; supporting selected justice sector institutions in developing and implementing communication strategies, including by training judges-speakers and journalists on exchanging and presenting information on court proceedings to the public at large or producing and disseminating informational material.

Project information

  • Duration: 24 months (January 2015-December 2016)
  • Place/ country: Ukraine
  • Budget: 1 115 000 €
  • Funding: European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme