The main objective of  the project is to strengthen the human rights protection of refugees and migrants in the Republic of Moldova and build resilient migration, asylum and reception systems in the long term.

Main partners and beneficiaries:

Partners: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Ministry of Education and Research, National Institute of Justice, People’s Advocate Office.                    

Direct beneficiaries: Migration and asylum authorities, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, legal professionals, law enforcement officers, staff members of the People’s Advocate Office, staff members of the National Institute of Justice, education, health and social care personnel, etc.  

End beneficiaries: Refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and the general population in the Republic of Moldova

1.   National authorities advance the legislative and policy framework on the human rights protection of refugees and migrants in line with European and international human rights standards and a gender-based approach.                                                                                                

2.   Legal professionals, the judiciary, migration and asylum authorities, civil servants and other professionals apply a human rights and gender-based response to the needs of refugees and migrants.                                                                                                                                                        

 3.   Access to support services and information for refugees and migrants is facilitated.

Expert advice and recommendations
Capacity building activities for various professionals

Development of training and information materials
Study visits, specialised events and expert meetings 
Awareness raising and community resilience activities

Project Information

  • Duration: 24 months (1 October 2022 – 30 September 2024)
  • Country: Republic of Moldova / Eastern partnership countries
  • Budget: 600.000 Euros
  • Funding: Voluntary Contribution under the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova for 2021-2024

Project Documentation

  Project Summary