The main objective of the project is the better protection of citizens’ rights and an improved mechanism for seeking redress through strengthened capacity of the Ombudsperson’s Office to effectively address human rights violations.

Main partners and beneficiaries: 

Ombudsperson’s Office of the Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova – Government Agent’s Office and Equality Council

Expected result 1: The managerial capacities within the Ombudsperson’s Office are strengthened in line with new legislative changes and European standards                       
The operational capacities and processes within Ombudsperson’s Office are streamlined to respond to the new structural changes and needs

Expected result 2: The Ombudsperson’s Office is playing a more active role in interacting with the ECtHR system and state institutions in the process of adjudication and execution of ECtHR judgments
The role of the Ombudsperson’s Office staff in engaging with ECtHR system and relevant state institutions is enhanced

Expected result 3: Human rights promotion and advocacy mechanisms within the Ombudsperson’s Office are enhanced
The staff of the Ombudsperson’s Office have an increased capacity for promotion and advocacy planning, reporting, and training related to human rights protection

Project Information

  • Duration: 24 months (1 April 2024 – 31 March 2026)
  • Country: Republic of Moldova
  • Budget: 800 000 EUR
  • Funding: Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova for 2021-2024; Ordinary Budget for Co-operation

Project Documentation

  Project Summary