Le Conseil de l'Europe met en œuvre une série de programmes visant à lutter contre la discrimination, les inégalités et l'exclusion et à renforcer l'inclusion. Ces programmes sont guidés par les normes de l'organisation visant à sauvegarder les valeurs démocratiques et les droits humains fondamentaux. 

En savoir plus sur le travail de la Division de l'inclusion et de la lutte contre la discrimination >>

Retour Expanding the networks of support for vulnerable groups across the Republic of Moldova: welcome on board to Cimslia Discrict!

The Council of Europe Office in Chisinau and the District Council of Cimislia have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding for the creation of a support network for safeguarding vulnerable groups from discrimination, hatred and bias-motivated offences at the district level.

Following the establishment of similar networks in Soroca, Calarasi and Dubasari Districts, Cimslia one also gathers representatives of local authorities, community police officers, social assistants, local NGOs, with aim to provide specialised support and guidance for vulnerable groups and potential victims of discrimination and bias-motivated violence. The engagement of all involved actors within the network will increase inter-institutional cooperation, raise awareness for a more inclusive and equal society and provide a better protection for victims and vulnerable groups.

In the following months, the established networks will benefit from mentorship support and will be involved in various capacity building activities. Good practices in supporting victims of discrimination will be shared with a wider public for further implementation.

The activity is part of the Council of Europe project ”Enhancing diversity and equality in the Republic of Moldova”,  implemented in the framework of the Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova for 2021-2024 and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

10 APRIL 2024
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*All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

    Bibliothèque : discussions d'experts