Retour Fostering more inclusive society through storytelling against hate speech - journalists in countering and challenging prejudices

Atdhe Mulla

Atdhe Mulla

NGO Kosovo Glocal, fom January to April 2024, completed their four-month long project aimed at fostering more inclusive society in Kosovo* by creating counternarratives against hate speech. The aim of the project was to use journalism to counter and challenge prejudices and hate speech, especially against the most vulnerable communities. Throughout the project, three articles where produced that examine issues such as the employment of Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian communities, women’s access to the labor market with a focus on the Gjilan/Gnjilane region, and the use of journalism and theater as tools to advance social justice.

In the article “Journalists against indifference”, written by Rexhep Maloku, Nora Xhuzi, a journalist hosting “The Ora Egjiptiane” show on Radio Television of Kosovo, focuses on giving voice to Kosovo* Egyptian community. A journalist Selamir Qerimi also shares his dreams about becoming a football player and his eventual transition into journalism.

Challenges faced by women in Kosovo*'s labour market are unveiled in the “ Hindered in many ways” article written by Bubulina Peni. This piece discusses how many women face difficulties in accessing support from the Government and civil society organizations due to excessive documentation requirements and bureaucratic processes. “ A paradise of beads and threads in Prizren”, a photo story captured by Atdhe Mulla and Uran Haxha, talks about the vibrant atmosphere of the Bazhderhane jewelers and shops specialized in bridal clothing.

Finally, an essence of International Roma Day celebration was captured in the photo story under the “In the Roma theatre” title captured by Majlinda Hoxha. The artistic director of Prizren's Nehxip Menekshe Roma Theatre spoke about the theatre's history and its role in advocating for Roma issues. Overall, these stories received close to 2.400 web page views and reached more than 50 000 users on Meta Platforms. All stories are also available on Kosovo Glocal website.

This activity was implemented within the project ’Promoting human rights and non-discrimination principles at the local level- II’, implemented by the Council of Europe Office in Pristina and funded by UNMIK.  


*All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

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  • Improve monitoring and reporting capacities of municipalities and other local level institutions in Kosovo* in the field of combating discrimination, in line with the standards and recommendations set by the Council of Europe – especially those of the European Commission on Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)
  • Contributing in strengthening the cooperation between central and local level institutions, as well as among institutions and the civil society, in regards to human rights protection mechanisms
  • Capacity building activities on equality and non-discrimination
  • Initiatives to foster inter-institutional cooperation, and cooperation between institutions and civil society organizations
  • Support to civil society organisations and municipalities by small grant schemes, to enhance their capacities to raise awareness and tackle discrimination, reaching out to people at local level
  • Municipal authorities and other relevant institutions strengthen their capacities to monitor and report on human rights in line with international and European human rights standards
  • Municipal authorities strengthen their dialogue with local CSOs, improving the awareness of discrimination at local level
  • Overall contribution to achieve better protection of human rights for the citizens and people living in Kosovo* and to build a more diverse, equal and tolerant society

*All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Duration: 12 months (July 2022 - June 2023)

Beneficiaries :
► Citizens and people living in Kosovo*
► Public authorities at central and local level, notably municipalities
► Civil society organisations engaged in promoting and protecting human rights
► Vulnerable groups

Funding: United Nations Mission in Kosovo

Budget: 95,000.00 Euros