Retour Trainings on Articles 9, 10, 11 and 14 of the Convention for judges and legal advisers

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

Three two-day trainings on the selected articles of the European Convention on Human Rights (the Convention) and relevant European Court of Human Rights (the Court) case law were organised for judges and legal advisors of the Constitutional Court of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" in Skopje, in the period between September and December 2017.  The topics were defined during the need assessment process, focusing on freedom of expression, freedom of religion and association, and prohibition of discrimination, which fall under the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court.

These activities aimed at disseminating in-depth knowledge about the Convention and the Court respective case-law on the Articles 9, 10, 11 and 14 from the Convention through different interactive teaching methods. The trainings aimed at enhancing the capacities of the Constitutional Court to better apply the Court standards when dealing with individual application in their daily work. This will equally contribute in improving effectiveness of domestic remedies and their preventive and remedial role towards human rights violation.

Lawyers from the Court, international and national consultants, who are experts in the respective human rights area and representative of the Constitutional Courts in the region, participated as lectures at the trainings to disseminate knowledge, experience and exchange of good practice.

The training events were organized as part of the Action for “Increasing judicial capacity to safeguard human rights and combat ill-treatment and impunity” under European Union/Council of Europe Horizontal Facility Programme.

Strasbourg 12 December 2017
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As of 12 February 2019, the official name of the country changed to North Macedonia.