The main partners and beneficiaries of the Project are the Public Prosecution Service, the Ministry of Justice, the Office of the People’s Advocate of the Republic of Moldova (Ombudsman institution) and the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, as well as legal professionals.

The main objective of the Project is to support the Republic of Moldova in fulfilling its outstanding statutory and accession commitments towards the Council of Europe in the field of criminal justice.

The following results are expected:

  • The capacity is enhanced among key stakeholders to ensure the compliance of the criminal justice sector legislation with European standards and support is provided to the institutional reform of the Public Prosecution Service.
  • The institutional capacity is developed to implement the mandates of the Ombudsman and the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in accordance with international standards recognised in the UN Paris Principles and the UN/CoE conventions against torture
  • The institutional capacity is developed for adopting regulatory guarantees, implementing strategies and action plans as well as monitoring functions aimed at preventing and ensuring remedial action in cases of ill-treatment.

Project information

  • Duration: 36 months (1 January 2015 – 31 December 2017) - extended until 31 March 2018
  • Place/ country: Republic of Moldova
  • Budget: 2 000 000 €
  • Funding: Voluntary contribution - Government of Denmark

Project documentation

Useful links

Experts opinions

Needs assessments reports