Compendium des ressources
La collection de ressources en ligne, présente plus de 270 ressources, développées par les campagnes nationales, les partenaires et le Conseil de l’Europe durant la campagne jeunesse Mouvement contre le discours de Haine.
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Les ressources disponibles sur ce site, ont été collectées auprès des campagnes nationales, des militants en ligne et des partenaires européens.
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“Action Day – World Refugee Day” – 20 June
Years that this action day was marked: 2016, 2017.
Description: This Action Day was dedicated to the respect of human rights of refugees, and to condemning hate speech targeting refugees. The Action Day provided various ways to engage a wider audience and encourage many young leaders to speak up for the rights of the refugees. In this resource, various materials and content that was published throughout 2016 and 2017 can be found.
The Action Days mobilise the national campaigns and European partners of the No Hate Speech Movement in joint activities on specific forms or targets of hate speech. Each Action Day has a programme of activities prepared in co-operation with the national campaign co-ordinators, online activists and campaign partners.
Multimedia content:
Other materials:
- Concept note (2016)
- Concept note (2017) and articles on refugees on campaign blog
- Report of the Action Day (2016)
- Recommended offline actions (2016)
- Educational resources for children and youth (2016)
- Facts and useful links about Refugees and Assylum Seekers in Europe
- Blog post “State empowered hate crime against Refugees in Hungary”
Personal testimonies:
- Young people in Refugee Crisis
- My story as a refugee: Sara from Syria
- My story as a refugee: Jihad from Palestine and Syria
- Tell a different story: a silent story
- Tell a different story: when the goverment can’t fill the gaps of the system, they are those willing to
- Tell a different story: freedom is not free
- Tell a different story: story of two centuries
- Tell a different story: true heroes
- Tell a different story: beyond borders
- Tell a different story: Kwame
- Tell a different story: a long way to dignity
- Tell a different story: Raul
- Tell a different story: cold blue eyes
- Tell a different story: true inspiration
- Tell a different story: 21st century global dictionary
- Tell a different story: I forgive
- Tell a different story: my mind, my heart, my hands
- Tell a different story: the importance of peace
- Tell a different story: Monica
- Tell a different story: together we achieve more
Inspiring actions:
- In Refugees’ Shoes – Youth Solidarity Through Media/Art
- Council of Europe: Say No” to hate speech against refugees
- Worldplayers – youthwork without borders
Opinion pieces:
- Refugee Crisis Exposes the Lack of Clarity on what is Hate Speech
- Refugee crisis: we all need to be a bit more “jihadists” to ourselves
- Germany: Is the refugee-crisis bringing back racism?
- Hate Crime Stories: State empowered hate crimes against refugees in Hungary
- Europe and the refugees, Blog post about the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly activities on refugee issues
- Art gives shelter whilst us don't
- Do you understand human language?
- Blame the weakest!
- No discrimination, Equals between Equals
- My first time