Retour 20 years of Youth and Development

20 years of Youth and Development

2019 marks the 20th anniversary of the University on Youth and Development that since the year 2000 has been a space where different generations of young people and youth stakeholders came together to put forward proposals to develop Global Youth Cooperation while bringing light to the work that youth organisations (internationally, nationally and locally) can play in development.

Today, the University on Youth and Development (UYD) has consolidated as an international hub for meetings, trainings and action planning, gathering for one week hundreds of young people, youth workers, experts from the field, institutional representatives and decision makers, and as a space to put in practice the concept of global education and global citizenship, to advocate for youth participation and to empower young people towards their rights and duties.

Organised by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe in partnership with the Spanish Institute for Youth (INJUVE), the European Youth Forum (YFJ) and other international youth organisations, this year’s UYD will bring together more than 200 youngsters and 10 partners who will organise a total of 13 activities all of them connected under the umbrella theme “youth and justice”.

In celebrating its 20 years the UYD will continue to highlight the centrality of youth as forces for global change and their role in the path towards sustainable development.

Mollina, Spain 11/09/2019
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