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    Statut concernant la Convention de Budapest

Statut concernant la Convention de Budapest

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Politiques / stratégies en matière de cybercriminalité

In late 2020, Belize adopted the National Cybersecurity Strategy (2020-2023) [link opens in new window], which seeks to establish a vision to enhance the cybersecurity posture of Belize. The National Cybersecurity Strategy identifies three areas of priority:

  • develop a national legal framework to address cybersecurity threats
  • develop capacity for incident response and critical infrastructure protection
  • implement measures to support education, awareness and workforce policy development in cybersecurity.

Over the past few years, several government agencies have also been working to address cybersecurity. Since 2014, the Ministry of National Security has coordinated this at the national level. It organised a Cybersecurity Ad Hoc Committee, made up of multiple stakeholders, including academia and the private sector, to work together on building awareness about cybersecurity and cybercrime in Belize. Since then, an inter-institutional cybersecurity task force, led by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS), Central Information Technology Office (CITO) and comprising a cross section of national stakeholders (both public and private sector, academia and civil society groups) was established in 2018 and helped to develop the National Cybersecurity Strategy.


Legislative Framework: Currently, Belize has several legislations that relate to cybercrime: the recently enacted Cybercrime Act 2020, the Telecommunications Act-CAP. 229 and 229S19, the Electronic Evidence Act-CAP. 95:0120, the Electronic Transactions Act-CAP. 29:0121, the Intellectual Property Act, the Interception of Communications Act CAP. 229:0122 and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act- CAP. 103:0123.

Institutions spécialisées

With respect to cybercrime, the Police Information Technology and Cyber Unit (PITCU) of the Belize Police Department (BPD) manages the investigations of cyber-related crimes, as well as those felonies that involve electronic evidence. The PITCU has investigated cases of phishing, credit card and ATM fraud, as well as other crimes that involve electronic evidence, including drug trafficking. The PITCU have also reported that they have received reports of cyberbullying, revenge porn and identity theft. In terms of some international collaboration to counter cybercriminal activities, the PITCU holds a partnership with the Internet Watch Foundation in order to report cases of child pornography.

In addition, the National Cybersecurity Strategy recommends that a National Cybersecurity Coordinator, under the auspices of the Ministry of National Security, be appointed for the coordination of the implementation of actions identified in the Strategy.

Under the Data Protection Act 2021, the Data Protection Commissioner is responsible for the general administration of that act.

Belize does not have a national CERT/CIRT (Computer Emergency Response Team).

Jurisprudence / droit jurisprudent

Outils sur la cybercriminalité et les Preuves Electroniques, Vous donner les Moyens d'Agir.png

These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 

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  • Site internet Cybercriminalité
  • Modèle : Demande d'information sur le souscripteur dans le cadre de l'entraide judiciaire (Article 31 de la Convention de Budapest). Versions anglaises et bilingues disponibles.
  • Modèle : Demande de Préservation des Données (Articles 29 et 30 de la Convention de Budapest). Versions anglaises et bilingues disponibles.