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"School participatory budgeting" - new Council of Europe toolkit available

2 December 2020

The innovative civil participation tools and mechanisms are needed to bring up conscious and responsible young citizens who are actively engaged in the decision-making process, are able to influence the development of their communities, whose voice is heard and opinion is taken into account. One...

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Uchange&Civiclab: digital breakthrough in effective civil participation in Ukraine and beyond

15 September 2020

Innovations, digitization, effective civil participation: in response to a new reality of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, the Elections and Civil Society Division within the project “Promoting civil participation in democratic decision-making in Ukraine” introduced an ambitious aim to combine...

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Online meetup "From dreams to actions": the Ukrainian youth speaks

16 July 2020

On July 16, 2020 the Council of Europe project “Promoting civil participation in democratic decision-making in Ukraine” organised the interregional online meetup which brought together 60 practitioners in youth participation from 19 cities and towns of Ukraine, most of them – the representatives...

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Ukrainian project on civil participation: inspiring success stories

The Ukrainian project “Promoting civil participation in democratic decision-making” is presenting its second edition of the UCHANGE Project Journal: Stories that change Ukraine. In this edition you will get acquainted with 6 success stories of innovators, civil society leaders, authors of...

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COVID-19 response: оnline academy of civil participation launched in Ukraine

Drohobych City, Ukraine, 6 June 2020. After only ten days since the launch event, that was followed online by more than 1100 people, 329 participants, representing Drohobych citizens and local officials, enrolled in the online Academy of Civil Participation that was designed as part of the CoE...

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Drohobych: ensuring continuous citizens’ engagement in the time of COVID-19

In order to ensure effective citizens’ engagement in the decision-making in the time of COVID-19 constraints, recently the CoE Project has been assisting Drohobych in planning and conducting online consultations for the reconstruction of a street in the city Center. The Project was guiding...

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COVID-19 Response: supporting ‘no-touch’ online public consultations in Ukraine

At the time of Coronavirus quarantine constraints, one of the major challenges for the local public authorities is to engage citizens in the decision-making process in urban planning. “As a rule, people of all ages take part in public events on this topic, and young people use the internet more....

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COVID-19: Recommendations for Maintaining and Improving Citizens’ Engagement during Covid-19 Restrictions

Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the participation of citizens in local public life (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 21 March 2018 at the 1311th meeting of the Ministers' Deputies) sets out the CoE position from more normal times. All public...

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How to ensure continuous citizens' engagement in the time of Coronavirus constraints?

Even though city councils across the world cannot approve major decisions without proper public consultations and offline citizens' engagement in the time of Coronavirus quarantine constraints, various digital platforms, open data and e-democracy tools can keep citizens informed and engaged in...

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Lviv: Ensuring good practices for civil participation

Municipalities around the world, including in Ukraine, are searching for innovative ways to minimize the impact of quarantine on civil participation in decision-making. This is the case of Lviv, “Ukrainian Piedmont”, where the City Council is adjusting to the new reality without losing time....

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— 10 résultats par page
Résultats 1 - 10 sur 11 résultats