The project continues to cooperate with the pilot municipalities for improvement of regulatory frameworks for civil participation, development of methodological materials on local council procedures, namely:

  • ensuring local government transparency;
  • development of the modern legal framework for civil participation;
  • adaptation of civil participation mechanisms to local conditions and context by providing and encouraging citizen participation;
  • development and implementation of innovative civil participation mechanisms (see "School participatory budgeting” and “Public spaces and civic engagement");
  • improvement of existing provisions related to civil participation tools.


School Participatory Budgeting

School participatory budgeting is a powerful an innovative civil participation tool that is being actively deployed and implemented worldwide for involving young people in decision-making process as well as a way to encourage and to develop active citizenship, civic engagement and connection with the community. Local authorities are increasingly recognizing the potential of children and young people for sustainable community development, civic engagement and restoring democracy as a whole. The project is ready to help your community in developing recommendations and a roadmap for implementation of the school participatory budgeting.


Civic Engagement in Public Spaces

Public space" is created and maintained for citizens in order to ensure equal opportunities for rest, sustainable and harmonious development of territories. People want the government to hear their opinion on the arrangement of parks, streets, adjoining territories etc. Government at all levels should create conditions (legislative and practical) and encourage civil participation at all stages of policymaking process and its implementation, create opportunities and entry points for citizens and NGOs in the process of development, creation or reconstruction of public spaces. Your community can top up a list of communities of innovation which made use of the Project assistance in developing and implementation of the mechanism of civic engagement in the process of public space design.

For assistance in enhancing civil participation mechanisms, contact: