De l'Ukraine à l'Autriche - Autorités locales et société civile s'initient à la démocratie participative

17 au 21 septembre 2024 Autriche

Au cours d'une visite d'étude de cinq jours en Autriche, une délégation composée représentants d’autorités publiques et d’organisations de la société civile ukrainiennes a découvert des exemples novateurs et concluants de mécanismes d'engagement citoyen. Dans le cadre du projet du Conseil de...

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(anglais seulement)

Ukraine Embraces Deliberative Democracy: Registration Opens for First Citizens’ Assemblies in Two Territorial Communities

29 August 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

Two Ukrainian communities - Zvyahel and Slavutych - have started registering their residents for the first ever Ukrainian Citizens' Assemblies (CAs) to be held in October-November 2024, initiated and supported by the Council of Europe project «Strengthening democratic resilience through civic...

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L’APCE appelle au renforcement des processus participatifs et délibératifs

Juin 2024

En juin 2024, lors de la session d’été de l’Assemblée Parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe (APCE) à Strasbourg, l’Assemblée a réitéré son soutien à la démocratie participative et a adopté une résolution appelant à « Renforcer la démocratie par des processus participatifs et délibératifs ». Sur la...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Closure event of the School on Participatory Democracy in Türkiye

13 June 2024 Istanbul, Türkiye

After a year of work and over a dozen of events, the Council of Europe School on Participatory Democracy in Türkiye came to an end. The closure event of the School jointly organised by the Division of Democratic Institutions and Civil Society from Council of Europe, the Association of Civil...

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(anglais seulement)

The Council of Europe project on civic participation conducted an international conference on the role of volunteering in building a strong civil society

6 June 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On June 6, 2024, in Kyiv, the Council of Europe project “Strengthening democratic resilience through civic participation during the war and in the post-war context in Ukraine” held an international conference ""Volunteerism – a prerequisite for building a strong civil society". During the event,...

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(Seulement en anglais)

Pool of coordinators for Citizen Assemblies in Ukraine started preparation

4-5 June 2024 Kyiy, Ukraine

On 4 and 5 June 2024, the first training round for Citizens Assemblies coordinators took place in Kyiy, launching at the practical implementation of the two Citizens' Assemblies in the Ukrainian communities of Zvyahel and Slavutych. 19 participants attended the training, including the six...

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Lors de la 1ère réunion, les délégués de 39 États membres ont discuté des défis démocratiques et des tâches du CDDEM pour la période biennale 2024-2025

13-14 mai 2024 Strasbourg, France

Les 13-14 mai 2024, le Comité directeur sur la démocratie a tenu sa première réunion plénière à Strasbourg. La Secrétaire Générale, Marija Pejčinović Burić, et le Président des Délégués des Ministres, Domenik Wanger, ont accueilli les participants. Les délégués de 39 États membres ont discuté des...

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International conference on Deliberative Democracy paves the way to implement citizens’ assemblies in Ukraine

How Deliberative Democracy Mechanism contribute to reconstruct the country

15 March 2024 Ukraine

On 15 March 2024, the conference “Visionary ways of engaging citizens: the future of deliberative democracy in Ukraine” gathered about 60 representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Parliament, Cabinet of Ministers, local authorities, association of Ukrainian cities, CSOs, international...

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(anglais seulement)

New tool to monitor and evaluate participatory processes and their results in Ukraine

13 March 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 13 March 2024, Ukrainian practitioners of civic engagement discussed the adjusted Council of Europe toolkit "Monitoring and Evaluation of Participatory Processes and Their Results" at a round table in Kyiv. This innovative tool provides civil society organisations and authorities with...

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(anglais seulement)

Council of Europe civil participation tools expert pool is increasing in Türkiye

26 February 2024 Strasbourg, France

In the aftermath of the successful School of Participation Democracy held in September in Istanbul and in October in Ankara for more than 50 representatives of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and local authorities from Türkiye, the Council of Europe, Arguden Governance Academy and STGM...

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