Retour Webinar - Launching of the Serbian version of the Training Manual “Policing Hate Crime against LGBTI Persons: Training for a professional Police response”

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Webinar - Launching of the Serbian version of the Training Manual “Policing Hate Crime against LGBTI Persons: Training for a professional Police response”

The Council of Europe Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Unit, in cooperation with the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade, will host the online webinar Launching of the Serbian version of the Training Manual “Policing Hate Crime against LGBTI Persons: Training for a professional Police response”, on 11th of December, between 11.00 – 12.30 pm (CET).

The event- held on this particular day to honor the Council of Europe’s Office in Belgrade official celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights series - will be the occasion to launch the Serbian version of the training manual ‘’Policing Hate Crime against LGBTI Persons: Training for a professional Police response’’. The discussion will feature significant contributions from the civil society and governmental representatives.

The event will be opened by:

  • Mr. Tobias Flessenkemper, Head of Council of Europe Office in Belgrade

And moderated by:

  • Ninoslav Mladenovic, Senior Project Officer for the Promotion of Diversity and Equality in the Western Balkans (EU/CoE Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II)

The discussion will also feature interventions from:

  • Ms. Eleni Tsetsekou, Head of Council of Europe SOGI Unit
  • Ms. Tanja Sreckovic, Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue
  • Ms. Dragoslava Barzut, DaSeZna organization

To join the webinar, use this link:

The event will have simultaneous interpretation in English and Serbian.

Should you have any questions prior to the 11th of December, please feel free to send them in Serbian or in English to the email address:

Online 11 December 2020, 11-12.30 CET
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