Newsletter - December 2019
Promoting child-friendly approaches in the area of migration: standards, guidance and current practices
On 9 December 2019, in Belgrade, Serbia, the Office of the Special Representative on migration and refugees launched a new publication “Promoting child-friendly approaches in the area of migration: standards, guidance and current practices” in co-operation with the Council of Europe office in...
Grand Chamber judgments concerning transit zones in Hungary and Russia
On 21 November 2019, in the case of Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary, the Grand Chamber has found a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights on account of the applicants’ removal to Serbia and no violation of the Convention as regards the living conditions in the transit zone. The...
Committee of Ministers closed cases on family reunification
On 13 November 2019, the Committee of Ministers at their 1360th meeting, closed the group of cases Senigo Longue and Others v. France. These three cases concerned a violation of Article 8 in connection with the authorities´ refusal to issue a visa to children of the applicants (a foreigner...
Commissioner welcomes closure of “Vučjak” camp in Bosnia Herzegovina and queries on planned closed reception centres on Greek islands
On 11 December 2019, the Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, welcomed the closure of the improvised camp “Vučjak” near Bihać where migrants and asylum seekers had been languishing for months in absolutely dire conditions. This much-needed closure was made possible thanks to...
Committee of Ministers adopts recommendation on effective guardianship for unaccompanied children in migration
On 11 December 2019, the Committee of Ministers adopted a Recommendation to member states on effective guardianship for unaccompanied and separated children in the context of migration. This Recommendation seeks to ensure that unaccompanied and separated children’s rights and their best interests...
Council of Europe participates in the first Global Refugee Forum in Geneva
On 17-18 December 2019, on the occasion of the first Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, Switzerland, the Council of Europe highlighted areas where it can provide an added value, namely in the sphere of protection of the human rights of refugees. Representing the Council of Europe at the Global...
Regional Collaboration on Migration and Asylum: Key Challenges and Good Practices
On 14 November 2019, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Council of Europe organised a conference entitled “Regional Collaboration on Migration and Asylum: Key Challenges and Promising Practices”. The conference gathered representatives of the migration authorities and civil society from...
Council of Europe HELP course on refugee and migrant children launched in Italy and Turkey
On 2 December 2019, the Council of Europe HELP course on refugee and migrant children was launched for the first time in Turkey together with the Istanbul Bar Association. This course is building on the HELP/UNHCR online course on “Asylum and the European Convention on Human Rights”, which had...
The European Qualifications Passport for Refugees presented at UNESCO General Conference high level event
On 15 November 2019, the Council of Europe-led European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR) was presented as an example of good practice during a UNESCO General Conference high level event in Paris. The conference aimed at introducing the UNESCO Qualifications Passport for Refugees and...
Youth.Together: Youth work for social inclusion of refugees
From 21 to 29 November 2019, an evaluation seminar of the long-term training course Youth-Together was held at the European Youth Centre in Budapest. The seminar reviewed and evaluated the projects of the participating youth workers and refugees in the course. A total of 32 projects on social...
- Border protection and the rights of young refugees and children in focus
- Spain did not breach the Convention when returning migrants to Morocco at Melilla border
- PACE to discuss violence and discrimination against religious minorities
- New study on gender-based asylum claims and non-refoulement
- Launch of toolkit on academic integration of refugees into higher education
- Taking young refugees seriously: key messages from the conference
- North-South Prize 2019 honours the efforts to support the integration of migrants