Retour Reports in preparation on crisis prevention, the situation on Greek islands and the role of NGOs

Reports in preparation on crisis prevention, the situation on Greek islands and the role of NGOs

During the Winter Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg (21-25 January 2019), the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons will adopt reports by Petra De Sutter (Belgium) and Pierre-Alain Fridez (Switzerland) on “The Greek Islands: more must be done” and on “Development cooperation: a tool for preventing migration ”crises”. The Committee will discuss the findings of the visit to the Röszke transit zone in Hungary in the framework of the Campaign to End Migration Detention of Children and exchange views on rights and responsibilities of NGOs with the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, in preparation of Ms Daphné Dumery’s (Belgium) report “Rights and obligations of NGOs assisting refugees and migrants in Europe”. New reports will be initiated on pushbacks, the UN Global Compacts on migration and humanitarian action in the South Mediterranean.

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