Retour Call for tenders - Provision of translation services in non-official languages (74 lots)

Call for tenders - Provision of translation services in non-official languages (74 lots)

Call For Tenders By The Council Of Europe
Provision Of Translation Services In Non-Official Languages (74 Lots)
For Cooperation Projects Funded By Extra-Budgetary Resources

1.         Subject

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe has decided to launch a call for tenders for the provision of translation services in non-official languages (74 lots) for cooperation projects funded by extra-budgetary resources.

2.         Criteria

To be able to participate in this call for tenders, firms must meet the criteria below and also not fall within the scope of the exclusion criteria set out in the Tendering Rules:

Eligibility Criteria

  • Being a registered company or freelance translator;
  • When a tenderer is a legal person: Being able, as a Provider[1], to demonstrate 5 (five) years[2] of experience of providing translation services to international organisations or national public administrations or institutions
  • When the tenderer is a natural person: Being able to demonstrate 5 (five) years[3]  of experience of providing translation services to international organisations or national public administrations or institutions

Award criteria

  • Quality of the offer (70%), including:

Qualifications and experience of the translators proposed (40%),

Qualifications and experience of legal translation (10%),

Technical tender detailing quality assurance and confidentiality measures put in place by the tenderer (20%).

  • Financial offer (30%)
  • Two completed and signed copies of the Act of Engagement.[4]

Indicate under Section A of the Act of Engagement the lot(s) you are tendering for.

  • Registration documents (for legal persons)
  • A completed copy of the Tender Proposal Form
  • Reference letters demonstrating the experience of the tenderer[5]
  • Detailed CVs of all translators listed in the Tender Proposal Form, per category
  • Documented proof of the qualifications and professional experience of any translators listed in the Tender Proposal Form

Incomplete tenders will not be considered.

3.         Access to the call for tenders file

If your firm (except consortium) meets the above-mentioned criteria, you may download the entire call for tenders file by clicking on the following link:

The bid must be sent, in accordance with the Tendering Rules (to be downloaded), at the latest by: 15 September 2017

If you download this complete file, please send us your contact details by e-mail to to enable us, where applicable, to notify you of any changes which may occur during the call for tenders.

For any information concerning this call for tenders, you may send your questions by e-mail to at the latest by 1 September 2017 at 6 pm, Paris time. The replies will be published on 7 September on this downloading website:

The award of the tender contract will be carried out in accordance with the CoE’s procedures, as set out in the call for tenders documents, and the CoE’s applicable internal legal instruments, to the exclusion of any other procurement procedure. The CoE’s publication of this notification does not in any way mean that it waives the privileges and immunities conferred on it under the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe and its Protocols, and notably Article 21 – Litigation – of the General Agreement.

[1] The experience of a tenderer’s employee(s) cannot be taken into account for the tenderer's experience required in the eligibility criteria. Only the experience of the Provider itself will be taken into account.

[2] Translation experience quoted in “words” in contracts or reference letters must be converted into “standard pages” as described under “Definitions”; 1,000 standard pages shall count as one year of experience as an employed translator/reviser/reviewer.

[3] Ibid.

[4] The Council of Europe reserves the right to ask tenderers, at a later stage, to supply the following supporting documents:

  • An extract from the record of convictions or failing that en equivalent document issued by the competent judicial or administrative authority of the country of incorporation, indicating that the first three above listed requirements are met;
  • A certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of incorporation indicating that the fourth requirement is met.

[5] The experience of a tenderer’s employee(s) cannot be taken into account for the tenderer's experience required in the eligibility criteria. Only the experience of the Provider itself will be taken into account.

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