Retour Pompidou Group trains Georgia’s criminal justice system specialists on the pressing issues of mental health

Pompidou Group trains Georgia’s criminal justice system specialists on the pressing issues of mental health

To enhance Georgia’s criminal justice system specialists (psychologists and social workers) with mental health related skills, the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe recently completed a comprehensive Training of Trainers for 10 psychologists and social workers within the Project "Developing A Drug Prevention Support Network for Parents and Professionals in Georgia."

The training of trainers, held from November 29 to December 1 in Borjomi, focused on important insights of mental health and comprised of 12 sessions encompassing theoretical knowledge and practical exercises to equip participants with the necessary tools to address mental health challenges within the criminal justice system.

The curriculum of the three-day programme was developed based on the "Practical Guidebook on the Pressing Issues of Mental Health," a publication authored by two national experts of the Pompidou Group.

Ten specialists of the Special Penitentiary Service, National Agency for Crime Prevention and Probation, and the Juvenile Referral Centre participated in the training of trainers’ programme.

The training curriculum is planned to be institutionalized within the Training Centre of Justice of Georgia to embed the developed module for a broader spectrum of professionals working in the criminal justice system, allowing them to receive in-depth insights on the pressing issues of mental health.

Borjomi, Georgia 1 December 2023
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