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Strengthening the Capacity of the High School of Justice of Georgia Project: Training of Trainers in Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence

On 27-28 October 2017 in Tbilisi, the trainers of the High School of Justice of Georgia participated in a training of trainers on Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, co-organised by the UN Women Georgia and the Council of Europe Office in Tbilisi. The objective of the workshop was to prepare for the pilot training on the topic, scheduled with the actual target group in December this year.

The workshop was led by the UN Women expert and was attended by the trainers of the High School of Justice who have participated in the needs assessment earlier in October. In the words of one of the judges of the Tbilisi Court of Appeals, Mr Giorgi Tkavadze ‘The workshop was beneficial for trainers and helped us to better understand topics selected for the module during the needs assessment stage. It was also useful to distribute topics between the trainers in advance so that each of us can focus on our material and develop it further.’ As a result of the ToT, the final structure and the agenda of the pilot training was agreed.

The activity was co-organised within the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the capacity of the High School of Justice of Georgia”. This Project is funded by voluntary contributions of Bulgaria, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Norway, Slovak Republic and Sweden to support the implementation of the Council of Europe Action plan for Georgia 2016-2019.

Keywords: High School of Justice of Georgia, violence against women training module, domestic violence, judge, court staff training, Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia.

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