Retour Study Visit of the Representatives of the High Council of Justice of Georgia and the Disciplinary Committee of Judges of Common Courts of Georgia to Spain

On 27-28 May 2015 the Council of Europe organised a study visit for representatives of the High Council of Justice of Georgia and the Disciplinary Committee of Judges of Common Courts of Georgia to the Spanish General Council for the Judiciary.

The visit was aiming to build co-operation between Georgian and Spanish judiciaries and to facilitate exchange of best practices related to the procedures for selection, appointment and promotion of Judges, performance evaluation, disciplinary proceedings and other related issues.

The study visit provided the Georgian authorities with a closer insight into the experiences of the Spanish General Council for the Judiciary, information on its institutional set-up, practices and procedure. 

Georgian participants showed particular interest in the disciplinary system against judges and enquired about the functions and qualification of the Promoter of the Disciplinary Actions. The parties expressed mutual interest in advancing cooperation and partnership.

In the long run knowledge acquired through the study visit will help the Georgian representatives to better assess the Georgian national regulations and procedures and introduce some of the good practices observed in Spain.

The study visit was organised in the framework of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the Independence and Efficiency of the Justice System in Georgia” funded by the Kingdom of Denmark.”

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