Retour The Division of Electoral Assistance of the Council of Europe to conduct a regional study on women political representation in EaP countries

The Division of Electoral Assistance of the Council of Europe to conduct a regional study on women political representation in EaP countries

A two-day working group meeting aimed at the preparation of a regional study on women political representation in EaP countries will take place in Tbilisi on 20 – 21 July 2015. The activity, organised in the framework of the joint EU/CoE EaP project on “Reforming electoral legislation and practice, and developing regional co-operation in electoral matters”, will bring together independent gender experts from EaP countries, Council of Europe experts and experts from the European Institute for Gender equality and Gender Equality Commission.

The purpose of the research is to provide a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the situation of women’s political representation in each EaP country and in the EaP region in general as well as of factors hindering women’s participation and representation. The study will look into the situation at two levels: I) legislative and executive power and II) local and regional self-governments.

The study will inter alia support the implementation of Council of Europe agenda towards better implementation of Recommendation Rec(2003)3 of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on “balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making” and also aims at contributing to a better implementation of the “European Commission Strategy for equality between women and men 2010 – 2015”.

The collection of data will last until November when a draft study is expected to be discussed and presented to decision makers of EaP countries.

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