Retour #JusticeForAll campaign launched in Georgia to promote access to justice free of visible and invisible barriers

#JusticeForAll campaign launched in Georgia to promote access to justice free of visible and invisible barriers

Access to justice is a fundamental prerequisite for the protection of basic human rights by citizens. To improve access to justice means to tackle existing inequalities and provide quality services to all, notwithstanding their gender, ethnicity, race, identity, age, social condition or physical abilities.

In Georgia, different groups continue reporting challenges they face when accessing justice - from non-accessible buildings to insensitive environment.

To highlight and help counter the existing problems, the European Union and the Council of Europe have launched today the online campaign #JusticeForAll with one key message:

Accessible justice must be free of visible and invisible barriers: sensitive and disability-friendly environment, accessible buildings, interpretation and convenient location always and for all.

The campaign aims at raising awareness of the existing issues faced by different groups in accessing justice in the country. The campaign will present personal stories of people with disabilities, representatives of minority groups, women and children overcoming barriers to access to justice. It will offer a platform to those whose voices are rarely considered and often forgotten. The aim of the campaign is to put the topic on the radar of decision makers and to encourage the necessary steps for a more accessible justice system.

The stories will be published periodically in Georgian and English on the official online platforms of the Council of Europe Office in Georgia: Webpage, Facebook Page and Twitter.  

We encourage you to share and promote these stories further –

together, let’s make the vision of #JusticeForAll a reality!

This campaign is part of a Project "Enhancing the Accountability and the Efficiency of the Judicial System and the Professionalism of Lawyers in Georgia" co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, within the framework of Partnership for Good Governance programme.

27 April 2021
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