Retour Conference “Challenges and Opportunities of Women Political Participation in Georgia”

Conference “Challenges and Opportunities of Women Political Participation in Georgia”

The Council of Europe and the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Georgia are co-organising a conference “Challenges and Opportunities of Women Political Participation in Georgia” on 21 June 2017 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

The aim of the Conference is to discuss the opportunities and mechanisms to enhance women’s political participation in Georgia in view of the existing challenges. The Council of Europe will present its regional study “Women’s political representation in the Eastern Partnership countries,” which has been translated and printed in the Georgian language and the CEC will present its activities targeted at gender equality.

The Conference will commence at 10:00 at Room Hotel Tbilisi with remarks from Mr Cristian Urse, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Georgia, and Ms Tamar Zhvania, Chairperson of the Central Election Commission of Georgia.

Participants to the Conference include representatives of different political parties, the Central Election Commission, local councils, and Georgian civil society organisations.


For more information contact:

Council of Europe Office in Georgia

34 Ilia Chavchavadze Avenue

Tbilisi 0179, Georgia

Tel: +995 322913870

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