The co-operation Project “Fight against discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in Georgia” aims to provide expertise, build competences, advocate and raise awareness among policy makers, legal professionals, law enforcement agencies and civil society organisations to enable them to:

  • Fully align national legislation and bylaws on anti-discrimination, hate crimes, and hate speech as well as relevant monitoring mechanisms to the Council of Europe standards;
  • Ensure their effective implementation;
  • Increase public appreciation for the laws’ contribution towards democracy, human rights, peace and prosperity in the Georgian society.

The project will increase the capacity of vulnerable groups including persons belonging to national minorities to make full use of their rights and participate in the Georgian society by providing:

  • Expertise in legislative review of the criminal, civil and administrative legislative framework regarding anti-discrimination, hate crime and hate speech in line with the recommendations of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance and other Council of Europe standards;
  • Support in setting up a mechanism for data collection covering discrimination, hate crime and hate speech;
  • Training of professionals and exchange of practices on anti-discrimination, hate speech and hate crime policies and relevant CoE standards and case law of the European Court for Human Rights to ensure their effective implementation;
  • Raise awareness about human rights and anti-discrimination policy and their importance for securing democracy, peace and prosperity in the Georgian society.

The project is conducted with the support of the Danish Neighbourhood Programme in Georgia (DANEP) under the Council of Europe’s Action Plan for Georgia

The Project runs from February 2018 until December 2021

The project is being implemented by the Council of Europe’s Anti-Discrimination Department (DG2) and the Human Rights policy and Co-operation Department (DG1) together with the Council of Europe Office in Georgia.

For more information please contact:

  • Nino Gobronidze
    On activities regarding legislative review, data collection, capacity building and awareness raising activities
  • Giorgi Giorgadze
    On activities regarding capacity building of legal professionals.