Retour Call for Tender - Purchase of consultancy services in the field of algorithmic solutions and human rights

Call for Tender - Purchase of consultancy services in the field of algorithmic solutions and human rights

The Council of Europe announces the tender for purchase of consultancy services in the field of algorithmic solutions and human rights (focus on privacy rights and personal data protection) - Georgia

(tender for consultants with international expertise).

Tender file

Act of Engagement

How to Participate in a Restricted Consultation Procedure?


The deadline for submission of tender is 13 September 2021.

The applications should be submitted in English language.

Questions may be sent to the e-mail address


Question 1: Are the activities carried out remotely or in presence in Georgia?

Answer: In the view of COVID19-related risks and restrictions present in many countries, including Georgia, majority of activities will be implemented remotely. Additionally, the types of services envisaged mostly involve research and analysis with occasional need for meetings/workshops, which may be organized remotely. Nevertheless, the Project reserves the right to re-assess the situation and Project needs in 2022 depending on how the Project implementation evolves. Hence, exceptionally, expert presence may be requested, if such need arises.

Question 2: Scope of the work covers law and practice of algorithmic solutions used by gov/private sectors and their impact on personal data/privacy. Does it mean that selected experts/consultants should research & analyze all existing information systems, including AI solutions that process personal data in Georgia?

Answer: No, the expert(s) selected through this procedure will not be asked to analyse information systems of local organisations. The main activities of the Project in the field of algorithmic solutions are concerned with supporting the State Inspector’s Service (national data protection authority) to develop strategy, action plan and necessary tools allowing it to effectively monitor personal data processing by information systems existing in the country.

Question 3: Are NGOs with the number of field-related experts/consultants eligible to participate in this tender?


Answer: Tenders from legal persons, including NGOs are authorised to apply. Please, check Section A (legal status of applicants) and G (requested documents) of the Tender File.

The organisation shall provide requested documents listed in section G for all consultants listed in its offer. For example, the Council expects that the organisation provides CVs as well as list of drafted documents of each and every consultant offered in its tender. The organisation may also supply its portfolio, but this is not obligatory as it is not mentioned in the list of requested documents.

Please, note that each consultant should satisfy eligibility and award criteria listed in section E of the tender file. Non-eligible consultant(s) listed in the tender of the organisation will be dismissed from the procedure. The Council of Europe will assess profiles of all eligible consultants presented by the organisation and give a single score to the applicant organisation.


Please, note that, if contracted, the Council of Europe reserves the right to request provision of services from specific consultant(s) suggested by the organisation.


Question 4: Do I understand correctly that a pool of ten experts or consultants will be set up for each lot on the basis of the applications, who can then be involved in the further course of the project on the initiative of the Council of Europe?


Answer: yes, this is correct. You may find more information about what happens after establishment of the pool of consultants in the section D of the Tender File. Please, note as well that the Council will depend on the needs as they arise through the Project duration. It may happen that not all consultants involved in the pool will be requested to provide services.


Question 5: Must travel and accommodation costs - of course in accordance with the rules of the Council of Europe - be stated separately in the application?


Answer: No, only consultancy fees i.e. the daily fee for your intellectual services should be indicated in the Act of Engagement.

If travel and accommodation needs will arise, these costs will be calculated based on the Council of Europe standard rates. These rates are not mentioned in the current Framework Contract.


Question 6: The same question concerns the Act of Engagement - should it be signed by the organization representative or each expert suggested by the organization?

A: The Act of Engagement should be signed by the representative of the organisation.

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