About the Project

The Project "Reinforcing National Execution of the European Court's judgments by Georgia" is designed to strengthen the capacity of domestic remedies to effectively execute judgments rendered by the European Court of Human Rights. By focusing on enhancing the capabilities of key national stakeholders such as the Ministry of Justice, Special Investigative Service and National Courts, the Project aims to support the full and prompt implementation of ECtHR judgments concerning Georgia.

The project will involve targeted interventions aimed at empowering these executive stakeholders with the necessary tools, resources and expertise to execute European Court’s judgments efficiently. This will include capacity-building initiatives, training programs and the establishment of streamlined coordination to facilitate prompt compliance with ECtHR decisions.

Furthermore, the Project seeks to strengthen parliamentary oversight mechanisms to ensure that national implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and standards set by the European Court are effectively monitored and enforced. Through enhanced parliamentary oversight, the project aims to promote accountability, transparency and adherence to human rights principles within Georgia's legislative framework.

 Budget: EUR 850 000 

 Duration: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2025

How does the project work?

The Project will employ a diverse range of methodologies to achieve its objectives effectively. By employing, inter alia, the following methodologies, namely, working groups/expert meetings, seminars/round tables/conferences, training sessions the project will create synergies among stakeholders, promote knowledge-sharing and facilitate the implementation of targeted interventions aimed at strengthening domestic remedies in Georgia.

Who benefits from the project?

  • Supreme Court of Georgia 
  • Parliament of Georgia 
  • Ministry of Justice 
  • Public Defender's Office 
  • Prosecutor's Office of Georgia 
  • Georgian Bar Association 
  • High School of Justice of Georgia 
  • State Inspector’s Service 
  • National Human Rights Institutions and NGOs

What do we expect to achieve?

By strengthening the domestic remedies for the European Court’s judgments, the Project aims to foster a legal environment where individuals can seek justice, receive redress for human rights violations and ultimately contribute to the advancement of a more just and equitable society in Georgia

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Office in Georgia

64b Chavchavadze Ave. 14th Floor
Tbilisi 0179, Georgia

+99532 2913870/ 71/ 72
