Emeritus Professor of Political Science and Constitutional Law, University of Barcelona



Professor of Political Science and Public Policy

Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science

Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona, Spain

1991-1992, Legal Adviser of the Parliament of Andorra, to draft the Constitution approved in March 1993

1993/2003, Magistrate of the Constitutional Court of Andorra, President of the Court in 2000-2002

1999/2004, Director of the Department of Constitutional Law and Political Science, Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona

April-July 1996, Head of the Legal Office of the EUAM (European Union Administration in Mostar-BH). Supervisor or monitor, elections in Bosnia Herzegovina 1996 and 1997

1998/2000, International Advisor of Mr. Carlos Westendorp, High Representative of the OHR (Office of the High Representative) in Bosnia Herzegovina, as member of the international team to draft the new Electoral law

1992/2000, Advisor of the Office of International Cooperation and Humanitarian Action, Barcelona City Council, Spain.

1994/2002, Representative of the University of Barcelona in several international academic cooperation programmes in Nicaragua, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Israel and Palestine

2004, Long Term Observer for the el EUEOM (European Union Electoral Observation Mission) in Indonesia.

2004, Exploratory Mission for the preparation of the elections in Palestine, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Spain.

July 2005, European Union exploratory mission to the elections in Haiti.

2005, OSCE election observation team in Kazakhstan.

2005 - 2013, Professor at the training programme of the School of Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain, to train international electoral observers

2011-2012, technical electoral assistance missions in Tunisia and Mauritius.



La Constitution Française (with Olivier Duhamel et Jaume Vernet), edition multilingue de la Constitution française, Presses Universitaires de France, Coll. Que sais Je ? nº 2525. Paris, 1992

El Estado y el sistema internacional, Ediciones Universitarias de Barcelona, Barcelona 1995

El proceso de paz en Bosnia-Herzegovina después de los acuerdos de Dayton (co-author J. Saura), Edit. Asociación para las Naciones Unidas en España, Barcelona 1997

“La seguridad y sus contenidos”, in La seguridad europea: diálogos para el siglo XXI, Afers Internacionals, nºs 38/39, Barcelona 1997

Jerusalén y el proceso de paz en Oriente Medio, Ed Icaria, Barcelona 1999

Europa: el debate sobre defensa y seguridad (with Nuria Fernandez), and autor of the chapter: “Notas acerca de algunas variables en el horizonte estratégico”, Ediciones Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona 2001

Orden y desorden a escala global, Editorial Síntesis, Madrid, 2006

“Trente ans de démocratie : une évaluation”, en Espagne, nº 124/ 2008 , Revue Pouvoirs, Seuil, Paris

Vilanova, P. ¿“Estados de factoversus “fallidos, tutelados, frágiles”?: Unas notas acerca de la dificultad teórica para establecer nuevas tipologías”, en Revista Académica de Relaciones Internacionales, nº 10, GERI (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), 2009

Vilanova, P (2011) Actores no estatales armados y conflictividad (obra colectiva), coordinación y estudio introductorio, Pere Vilanova, Cuadernos de Estrategia nº 148, Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos / IEEE, Madrid 2011

Vilanova, P (2009): “Political and social recomposition in Israel and Palestine”, en 2008 in the Euro-Mediterranean Space, Iemed Yearbook

Vilanova, P. (2010): “Twenty Years after the end of the Bipolar World. The disintegration of Yugoslavia: exception or paradigm”, en Med2009. Iemed Mediterranean Yearbook


International Advisory Board of the Journal of Peace Research, PRIO, Oslo, since 1987 to 2006

International Council, CRIS (Centre de Relations Internationales de la Sorbonne), Université de Paris I

International Editorial Board of Global Society: Journal of interdisciplinary International Relations, Carfax, UK, from 1996 to 2004

Scientific Council and Professor at Ibei (Instituto de Barcelona de Estudios Internacionales)

Cidob, Senior Research Fellow Associate

Member of IPSA- International Political Science Association, Research Committee nº 42 on Geopolitics

Executive Council of AECPA (Asociación Española de Ciencia Política y de la Administración)

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Commission européenne pour la démocratie par le droit