Articles sur la Commission de Venise

I. Articles in English and French / Articles en anglais et en français

  1. Apostolache, Mihai. “The review of constitutional norms concerning local public administration in the view of the European Commission for Democracy”, Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences, No. 3 (2015), pp. 105-111.
  2. Bartole, Sergio, “The Internationalisation of Constitutional Law: A View from the Venice Commission”, London: Hart Publishing, 2020, ISBN: 9781509941476.
  3. Bartole, Sergio, "The contribution of the Venice Commission to the internationalization of the national constitutional law on the organization of the judiciary", New developments in Constitutional law, Essays in honour of Andras Sajo, Motoc, de Albuquerque, Wojtyczek ed., L'Aja 2018.
  4. Bartole, Sergio, Comparative Constitutional Law - an Indispensable Tool for the Creation of Transnational Law, European Constitutional Law Review, 13, 2017, p. 601-610.
  5. Bartole, Sergio, The experience of the Venice Commission: sources and materials of its elaboration of the international constitutional law, CDL-PI(2016)016.
  6. Bartole, Sergio, Final Remarks: The Role of the Venice Commission, in: Review of Central and East European Law 26 (2000), 351 et. seq.
  7. Bartole, Sergio, International Constitutionalism and Conditionality - the Experience of the Venice Commission, Rivista AIC - Associazione Italiana dei Costituzionalisti, 4/2014.
  8. Bojic-Bultrini, Dubravka / Granata-Menghini, Simona,  The Protection of Minority Rights in the Works of the European Commission for Democracy through Law: July 2003 – June 2004, European Yearbook on Minority Issues, 2003-2004.
  9. Boucher Yohan, La commission de Venise, architecte du développement du patrimoine constitutionnel européen : élaboration et implémentation du patrimoine constitutionnel européen par un organe d’ingénierie constitutionnelle, Master thesis, 2021.
  10. Buquicchio, Gianni / Granata-Menghini, Simona, The interaction between the Venice Commission and the European Court of Human Rights: Anticipation, Consolidation, Coordination of Human Rights Protection in Europe in Regards Croisés sur la Protection Nationale et Internationale des Droits de L'homme / Intersecting Views on National and International Human Rights Protection: Liber Amicorum Guido Raimondi, W.L.P. (Wolf Legal Publishers), 2019. 
  11. Buquicchio, Gianni / Granata-Menghini, Simona, The Interaction of legal and political spheres and the role of the judiciary: the perspective of the Venice commission, p. 107, Libertés, (l)égalité, humanité, Mélanges offerts à Jean Spreutels Bruylant, 2018.
  12. Buquicchio, Gianni / Granata-Menghini, Simona, Conseil de l'Europe - Commission de Venise, Rép. eur. Dalloz, avril 2014, p. 1-14.
  13. Buquicchio, Gianni / Granata-Menghini, Simona, The Venice Commission Twenty Years on. Challenge met but Challenges ahead, in van Roosmalen, Marjolein / Vermeulen, Ben / van Hoof, Fried / Oostling, Merten, eds., Fundamental Rights and Principles – Liber amicorum Pieter van Dijk, Cambridge, Antwerp, Portland (Intersentia 2013), p. 241.
  14. Buquicchio, Gianni / Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, Volkov vs. Ukraine and the Venice Commission’s Approach to structural Independence of the Judiciary, in Harutyunyan, Gagik, ed., New Millennium Constitutionalism: Paradigms of Reality and Challenges, Yerevan (2013), pp. 323-340. 
  15. Buquicchio, Gianni / Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, European Standards for an Independent Judiciary in a Democratic State – Contribution of the Venice Commission, in Csehi, Zoltán / Schanda, Balázs / Sonnevend, Pál, Viva Vox Iuris Civilis, Tanulmányok Sólyom László Tiszteletére 70. Születésnapja Alkalmábol (Mélanges Lászlo Sólyom), Xenia-Libri Amicorum, Universitas Catholicae de Petro Pazmany Nominatae, Budapest (2012), pp. 105-118.
  16. Buquicchio, Gianni / Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, Constitutional Courts - the living heart of the separation of powers, The role of the Venice Commission in promoting Constitutional Justice, in Raimondi, Guido / Motoc, Iulia / Pastor Vilanova, Pere / Morte Gomez, Carmen, eds., Human Rights in a Global World, Essays in honour of Judge Luis Lopez Guerra, Oisterwijk (2018), pp. 515-544.
  17. Buquicchio, Gianni / Dürr, Schnutz, Judicial Cross-Fertilisation - Co-operation between Constitutional Courts as a means to promote Democracy, the Protection of Human Rights and the Rule of Law, in Martens, Paul et. al., Liber Amicorum Michel Melchior, Bruxelles (2010), pp. 311-323.
  18. Buquicchio, Gianni, Vingt ans avec Antonio La Pergola pour le développement de la démocratie, in van Dijk, Pieter / Granata-Menghini, Simona, eds. Liber amicorum Antonio La Pergola (Juristförlaget i Lund 2009), p. 29.
  19. Buquicchio, Gianni / Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, The Venice Commission’s Action in Africa, in Yazici, Serap / Gözler, Kemal / Göztepe, Ece, Essays in Honour of Ergun Özbudun, Yetkin, Ankara (2008), vol. II, pp. 165-174.
  20. Buquicchio, Gianni / Garrone, Pierre, Vers un espace constitutionnel commun - Le rôle de la Commission de Venise, in Haller et al eds., Law in Greater Europe (Kluwer 2000), p. 3.
  21. Buquicchio, Gianni / Garrone, Pierre, L'harmonisation du droit constitutionnel européen: la contribution de la Commission européenne pour la démocratie par le droit, in Uniform Law Studies 1998.
  22. Cameron, Iain,The role of the Venice Commission in strengthening the Rule of Law, in Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt et al (eds), Rule of Law in the EU: 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Hart, 2021.
  23. Cameron, Iain / Jonsson Cornell, Anna, Countering the Spread of COVID-19 by means of Recommendations’, IACL-AIDC Blog (14 September 2021).
  24. Cameron, Iain “Russian Constitutional Law and Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights”, in “Forward! Bперёд! Framåt!”, Essays in Honour of Prof Dr Kaj Hobér, Iustus Förlag AB, Uppsala, Sweden 2019.
  25. Chablais, Alain / Garrone, Pierre, European Commission for Democracy through Law - Review of Recent Reports and Opinions relevant to the Protection of National Minorities, in European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Vol. 05, 2005/6.
  26. Clayton, Richard, QC, The Venice Commission and the rule of law crisis, in Public Law, [2019] July P.L., Issue 3, Thomson Reuters and Contributors, pp.450-460. 
  27. Craig Paul P. , Transnational Constitution-Making: The Contribution of the Venice Commission on Law and Democracy, in UCI Journal of International, Transnational and Comparative Law , University of Oxford - Faculty of Law, October 1, 2016,  
  28. De Visser, Maartje, A Critical Assessment of the Role of the Venice Commission in Processes of Domestic Constitutional Reform (2015), American Journal of Comparative Law. 63, (4), 963-1008. Research Collection School of Law.
  29. Dijk, van, Pieter, The Venice Commission on certain aspects of the European Convention of Human Rights, in: Breitenmoser (ed.): Human rights, democracy and the rule of law - Liber amicorum Luzius Wildhaber, Zürich 2007, pp. 183-202.
  30. Drzemczewski, Andrew, “THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE AND THE RULE OF LAW: Introductory Remarks regarding the Rule of Law Checklist Established by the Venice Commission”, Human Rights Law Journal, Vol. 37, No. 1-6, pp. 179-184.
  31. Drzemczewski, Andrzej, Le Conseil de l'Europe et l'Etat de droit, Revue Universelle des Droits de l'Homme (RUDH), Vol.23 (2017) №1-12, pp.14-18.
  32. Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, Individual Access to Constitutional Courts as an Effective Remedy against Human Rights Violations in Europe – The Contribution of the Venice Commission, Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics, No. 258 (October 2014), pp. 67-89.
  33. Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, The Venice Commission, in Kleinsorge, Tanja, Council of Europe, in Wouters, J., International Encylopaedia of International Laws: Intergovernmental Organizations, Alphen aan den Rijn 2010, pp. 151-163.
  34. Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, The World Conference on Constitutional Justice, in Hill, Clauspeter, Constitutional Review and Separation of Powers, Sixth Conference of Asian Constitutional Court Judges 2009, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Singapore (2009), pp. 141-142.
  35. Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, The Venice Commission’s Involvement in the Establishment of a Human Rights Protection System in Asia - (Variable) Geography and other relevant issues, Nagoya University Asian Law Bulletin, Vol.1/2016, pp. 17-47.
  36. Dürr, Schnutz Rudolf, Constitutional Justice, a key mission of the Venice Commission, in S. Granata-Menghini, Z. Tanyar (eds), Venice Commission: thirty-year quest for democracy through law, Lund (2020, p. 215-232.
  37. Engel, Jean-Charles, La Commission européenne pour la démocratie par le droit, dite "Commission de Venise" : cadre et acteur privilégiés de coopération en matière de justice constitutionnelle, in Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Jean Touscoz, p.867.
  38. Flanagan, Finola, Constitutional Courts’ Helpdesk: The Venice Commission’s Advisory Role in Constitutional Adjudication, in van Roosmalen, Marjolein / Vermeulen, Ben / van Hoof, Fried / Oostling, Merten, eds., Fundamental Rights and Principles – Liber amicorum Pieter van Dijk, Intersentia Cambridge, Antwerp, Portland 2013), p. 255.
  39. Garrone, Pierre, La commission de Venise à la veille de son 10e anniversaire, in Rivista di Studi politici internazionali, 1999.
  40. Garrone, Pierre, Le patrimoine électoral européen, RDP 2001.
  41. Giakoumopoulos, Christos, La contribution du Conseil de l'Europe aux réformes constitutionnelles : l'action de la Commission de Venise, in: Amato, Guiliano / Braibant, Guy / Venizelos, Evangelos, The Constitutional Revision in Today's Europe / La révision constitutionnelle dans l'Europe d'aujourd'hui, in European Public Law Series, vol. XXIX, p.695.
  42. Gonzalez Oropeza, Manuel, “Rule of law on the international context: 30 Years of the Venice Commission”, Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), in LEX, ENERO 2021, pp. 6-13 (original - Spanish).
  43. Grabenwarter, Christoph, “Constitutional standard setting and strengthening of new democracies”, in “Council of Europe: Its Law and Policies”, Stephanie Schmahl, Martien Breuer, Oxford University press, 2017, pp. 732 – 746. 
  44. Grabenwarter, Christoph, Constitutional Resilience, Verfassungsblog on Consitutional Matters, 6 December, 2018.
  45. Granata-Menghini, Simona / Tanyar, Ziya Caga (eds.), Venice Commission - Thirty-Year Quest for Democracy through Law / Trente ans à la recherche de la démocratie par le droit (CDL-PI(2020)013).
  46. Granata-Menghini, Simona / Stefania, Ninatti, The evolving paradigm of human rights protection as interpreted and influenced by the Venice Commission, The fragmented landscape of human rights protection in Europe, Lorenza Violini, ‎Antonia Baraggia – Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
  47. Granata-Menghini, Simona, La Commission de Venise du Conseil de l'Europe, Nouveaux Cahiers du Conseil Constitutionnel N° 55-56, Juin 2017. 
  48. Granata-Menghini, Simona, The application of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Belgium : the opinion of the Venice Commission, European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 2002-2003.
  49. Granata-Menghini, Simona, Tanyar, Ziya (eds), Venice Commission: thirty-year quest for democracy through law, Lund (2020), ISBN 978–91–544–0578–7
  50. Hamilton, James, The Venice Commission The Irish Times.
  51. Hoffmann-Riem, Wolfgang, The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe – Standards and Impact, The European Journal of International Law (2014) Vol. 25 no. 2, p. 579–597.
  52. Holmøyvik, Eirik / Sanders, Anne A Stress Test for Europe’s Judiciaries, T.M.C. ASSER PRESS and the authors 2020, Hirsch Ballin, Van der Schyff & Stremler (eds.), European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2019.
  53. Jowell, Jeffrey, The Venice Commission - Disseminating Democracy through Law, Public Law 2001, p. 675.
  54. Kuijer, Martin, The Rule of Law in Crisis? – Some Observations from the Perspective of the Venice Commission (, January 2018, osteuropa recht 64(4):530-551; DOI:10.5771/0030-6444-2018-4-530.
  55. Lapinskas, Kestutis, The European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission), in: Lithuania's membership in the Council of Europe, 1999.
  56. Lazarova-Déchaux, G. : Doctrine de droit européen - L’exigence de qualité de la justice dans la nouvelle stratégie d’élargissement de l’Union Européenne dans "Revue du droit public" - N° 3-2015 (CNRS UMR 7318) pp. 729-760.
  57. Mahilaj, S. / Cenaj, M., The Venice Commission's Contribution to Anti-Corruption Measures: Case Study of Albania, Georgia, and Ukraine. European Journal of Law and Political Science (2023) 2(2), 71-79.
  58. Malinverni, Giorgio, L'expérience de la Commission européenne pour la démocratie par le droit, in : Flaus, Jean-François, Vers un droit constitutionnel européen - Quel droit constitutionnel européen?, Revue universelle des droits de l'homme, 1995, vol. 7.
  59. Malinverni, Giorgio, The Contribution of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), in Sicilianos, Linos-Alexander, The Prevention of Human Rights Violations, 2001.
  60. Malinverni, Giorgio, La réconciliation à travers l'assistance constitutionnelle aux pays de l'Europe de l'Est: le rôle de la Commission de Venise, Les cahiers de la paix n° 10-2004, p. 207.
  61. Mami, Kairat and Rogov, Igor, Eds, Kazakhstan and Venice Commission: for democracy through law, Almaty: Kazakh University, 2019.
  62. Markert, Thomas, "The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe : From Advisory Body to Actor in the Defence of the Rule of Law and Democracy (1990-2022)", in Human Rights Law Journal, Vol. 42(2022), No.10-12, pp. 341-369.
  63. Markert, Thomas, "The role of the Venice Commission in the constitutional development of the countries of the former Soviet Union", in a bilingual book by Thomas Buchsbaum and Katharina Pabel (eds.): Democratizing the Constitution of Belarus, Vienna 2024, pp. 35 et seq.
  64. Mehmetaj, Jonida: The contribution of the Venice Commission to the Albanian legal system,  International Journal of Law and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-913016-63-0 (online), ISSN: 2397-6942, pp. 5-14.
  65. Mehmetaj, Jonida, The Venice Commission and its impact on the justice system, paper presented at the International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 24-26 October, 2019, Frankfurt, Germany.
  66. Newman, Warren J., Constitutional Chronometry, Legal Continuity, Stability and the Rule of Law: A Canadian Perspective on Aspects of Richard Kay’s Scholarship, Connecticut Law Review, Volume 52 April 2021 Number 5, p. 1433.
  67. Stanko, Nick, New Prospects for Croatia's Cooperation with the Venice Commission, Croatian International Relations Review, 1999.
  68. Nußberger, Angelika: The Venice Commission and Constitutional Dilemmas, in: Michal Bobek, Adam Bodnar, Armin von Bogdandy, Pál Sonnevend (Hg.), Transition 2.0. Re-establishing Constitutional Democracy in EU Member States, Baden-Baden 2023, p. 585-607.
  69. Pinelli, Cesare, Parliaments, Constitutional Transitions and the Venice Commission, Report at the LUISS Summer School on “Parliamentary Democracy in Europe”, LUISS, Rome, 23 July 2015.
  70. Qerimi, Qerim, Operationalizing and Measuring Rule of Law in an Internationalized Transitional Context: The Virtue of Venice Commission’s Rule of Law Checklist, Law and Development Review 2019, aop. 
  71. Robert, Jacques, L'ingénierie constitutionnelle et l'Europe de l'est: Le rôle de la Commission européenne pour la démocratie par le droit, in: Milacic, Slobodan (ed.), La réinvention de l'Etat : démocratie politique et ordre juridique en Europe centrale et orientale, p. 195.
  72. Robert, Jacques, La Commission européenne pour la démocratie par le droit dite "Commission de Venise",   CSCE Dimension Humaine et règlement des différends, Paris 1993, p. 255.
  73. Suchocka, Hanna, Constitutional heritage and the form of government (CDL-PI(2016)017).
  74. Suchocka, Hanna, The role of Venice Commission ‘Democracy through Law’ and its cooperation with the European Union (pp. 109-120) in “EU engagement with other European regional organisations” by Anna-Luise Chané, Agata Hauser, Jakub Jaraczewski, Władysław Jóźwicki, Zdzisław Kędzia, Michaela Anna Šimáková, Hanna Suchocka, Stuart Wallace, European Commission, Frame, 30 April 2016.
  75. Suchocka, Hanna, Opinion of the Venice Commission on the place of the constitutional judiciary in a democratic state, Ruch prawniczy, ekonomiczny i socjologiczny, Rok LXXVIII – zeszyt 1 – 2016.
  76. Suchocka, Hanna,  "New constitutions and the process of amending them in Central and Eastern Europe, a “post-transformation” effect? (in the light of the Venice Commission’s work)", in Suum Cuique, Unnepi tanulmanyok Paczolay Peter 60. szuletesnapja tiszteletere, red. Fejes Zsuzsanna, Torok Bernat, Szeged 2016, ss. 725-735.
  77. Suchocka, Hanna,  “The Venice Commission and the making of Constitutions in the Central and Eastern European Countries”, in Revista General de derecho Constitucional,  no 30 Octubre 2019; ISSN: 1886-7650.
  78. Suchocka, Hanna,  “The Importance of the European Court of Human Rights and Access to Justice in the Light of the Works of the Venice Commission (Basic issues)”, in: “Equal Access to Justice for All and Gosl 16 of the Sustainable Development Agenda: Challenges for Latin America and Europe”, ed. H. Ahrens, H. Fischer, V. Gomez, M. Nowak, LIT Verlag 2019, ss. 117-136;
  79. Suchocka, Hanna,  “About European standards concerning the appointment of judges of common courts (based on the experience of the Venice Commission)”, in : “Toruńskie Studia Polsko-Włokie XIV- Studi Polacco-Italiani di Toruń XIV”, Toruń 2018, pp. 43-62.
  80. Suchocka, Hanna,  “Are Venice Commission’s standards on the Rule of Law still valid, in: “Venice Commission - Thirty year quest for democracy though law”, ed. S. Granata-Menghini, Z. Caga Tanyar, wyd. Juristforlaget i Lund 2020, ss. 641-652.
  81. Turkut, E., The Venice Commission and Rule of Law Backsliding in Turkey, Poland and Hungary, European Convention on Human Rights Law Review (published online ahead of print 2021).
  82. Torfason, Hörtur, That Lands be settled through Law, Afmælisrit (mélanges) Thor Vilhjálmsson, p 275, (Byggð séu lönd með lögum - Nokkur orð um Evrópuráðið og Feneyjanefnd, original text in Icelandic).
  83. Turkut, Emre “The Venice Commission and Rule of Law Backsliding in Turkey, Poland and Hungary, European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, Pages: 1–33, Online Publication Date: 27 August 2021.
  84. Tuori, Kaarlo, From a European to a universal constitutional heritage? (CDL-PI(2016)015).
  85. Tuori, Kaarlo, From Copenhagen to Venice, in Closa, C. & Kochenov, D. (eds.). “Reinforcing Rule of Law Oversight in the European Union”,  Cambridge 2016: Cambridge University Press, p. 225-246.
  86. Ubeda de Torres, Amaya, La régionalisation par la coordination interétatique: le rôle catalyseur de la Commission de Venise, in Doubé-Billé, Stéphane, ed., La régionalisation du droit international, Cahiers de droit international, Bruylant (2012).
  87. van Dijk, Pieter / Granata-Menghini, Simona (eds.),  Liber Amicorum Antonio La Pergola, Lund, 2008.
  88. Velaers, J., Constitutional versus international protection of human rights: added value or redundancy? The Belgian case, in the light of the advisory practice of the Venice Commission,  pp.. 265-295 in “Revue interdisciplinaire d'études juridiques”, 2016.77 on “The contribution of the Constitution to the protection of human rights”.
  89. Volpe Valentina, Guaranteeing Electoral Democratic Standards: The Venice Commission and “The Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters, GLOBAL ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: THE CASEBOOK, Third  Edition, IRPA–IILJ, 2012, pp. 57-67.
  90. Volpe, Valentina, Drafting Counter-majoritarian Democracy. The Venice Commission’s Constitutional Assistance, Heidelberg Journal for International Law, ZaöRV76(2016), 811-846.
  91. Yolcu, Serkan "Constitutional Courts’ Helpdesk: The Venice Commission’s Advisory Role in Constitutional Adjudication" ICL Journal, vol. 16, no. 4, 2022, pp. 421-445.

 II. Articles in other languages / Articles en autres langues

  1. Banic, Slavica/ Omejec Jasna, Venice Commission - the Torchbearer of the Constitutional Values, Informator, no. 6486, 4 September 2017, p ,2,3 and 6 (in Croatian).
  2. Bilglino Campos, Paloma, "Nota a la Opinión de la Comisión de Venecia sobre los poderes de ejecución del Tribunal Constitucional en La ejecución de las resoluciones del Tribunal Constitucional, Madrid, 2018, Tribunal Constitucional, Centro de estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, ISBN: 978-84-259-1778-3, págs. 105-123.
  3. Biglino Campos, Paloma, "La Comisión de Venecia y el patrimonio constitucional común, Revista General de Derecho Constitucional, nº 28, 2018, págs. 1-21.
  4. Josep María Castellà, Paloma Biglino y Rafael Rubio, "30 años promoviendo la democracia en el mundo" , in ABC España, 2020.
  5. Brummer, Klaus, Kapitel 10 - Die Venedig-Kommission, Der Europarat - Eine Einführung (2008).
  6. Caggiano, Giandonato, La Commissione per la Democrazia attraverso il Diritto, Rivista di diritto europeo, 1989.
  7. Castellà Andreu, Josep,  “Repensando las funciones del parlamento: el papel de la oposición según la Comisión de Venecia”, in De La Iglesia Chamarro, Asuncion (Co-editor), “El Parlamento a debate en un tiempo nuevo”, Fundación Manuel Giménez Abad, 2023.
  8. Duranti, Francesco,  La Commissione di Venezia e il diritto comparato, in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2/2017, aprile-giugno, pp. 243-256.
  9. Dürr, Rudolf Schnutz, Die Venedig-Kommission des Europarats als Verfassungsvergleicher und Verfassungsberater, Journal für Rechtspolitik , Jahrgang 21, Heft 1, 2013, pp. 92-97.
  10. Fahrbach, Jan Philip, Einfluss der Venedig-Kommission auf den Schutz der richterlichen Unabhängigkeit in Europa zwischen 2015 – 2019Referat, im Seminar „Schutz der richterlichen Unabhängigkeit in Deutschland und Europa“, 20.6.2022.
  11. Fuchs, Michael, "Die Vermessung der Rechtstaatlichkeit  - die  'Rule of Law Checklist'  der Venedig-Kommission des Europarates", Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift 2018, 45. Jg. Heft 9-12, pp. 237-244.  
  12. González Oropeza, Manuel « El estado de derecho en el ámbito internacional. A treinta años de la Comisión de Venecia », LEX, ENERO 2021, pp. 6-13
  13. Grabenwarter, Christoph, Die Herausbildung europäischer Verfassungsstandards in der Venedig-Kommission, in Baer/Lepsius/Schönberger/Waldhoff/Walter (Hrsg), Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, Neue Folge Band 66, (2018), 21-41.
  14. Grabenwarter, Christoph, Neuere Verfassungsentwicklungen in Europa und “Europäisches Verfassungsrecht” – die Rolle der Venedig Kommission, in Kadelbach (Hrsg), Verfassungskrisen in der Europäischen Union, (2018), 61-84.
  15. Granata-Menghini, Simona, I pareri amicus curiae e l’interazione tra la Corte europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo e la Commissione di Venezia, La Corte di Strasburgo, Key Editore; 2019.
  16. Häberle, Peter, Die Verfassung der Ukraine imeuropäischen Rechtsvergleich, Die öffentliche Verwaltung (DÖV) 51 (1998),761 et seq.
  17. Holmøyvik, Eirik, Norway must stand up for Europe's courts of justice, op-ed (on the Polish constitutional crisis): in Norwegian newspaper “Aftenposten” (in Norwegian), 29.11.2016.
  18. Holovaty, Serhiy, The Rule of Law: how it is interpreted by the Venice Commission, Pravo Ukrainy [Law of Ukraine] 2011, # 10 (pp. 154 - 167) [in Ukrainian].
  19. ГОЛОВАТИЙ, Сергій (Holovaty, S)  « ВЕРХОВЕНСТВО ПРАВА »  НЕ ПРАЦЮЄ* : Коментар до тексту документа Венеційської Комісії «ДОПОВІДЬ ПРО ПРАВОВЛАДДЯ » , ("The Ukrainian term verkhovenstvo parava as an equivalent of the English term the rule of law does not work: Commentary to the Venice Commission 'Report on the Rule of Law' (2011)"), PRAVO UKRAINY, 2019, No. 11.
  20. Markert, Thomas, Die Venedig-Kommission des Europarats - Vom Beratungsgremium zum Akteur des Verteidigung von Rechtsstaat und Demokratie (1990-2022), EuGRZ, 30 Dezember 2022, 49. Jg. Heft 21-23, Seiten 608-636, ISSN 0341/9800.
  21. Markert, Thomas, Der Beitrag der Venedig-Kommission, in: Vitzthum, Wolfgang, Graf / Winkelmann, Ingo, Bosnien-Herzegowina im Horizont Europas, Tübinger Schriften zum Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht, Band 69/2003, pp. 87-107.
  22. Markert, Thomas, Die Venedig-Kommission-Ein Instrument der Außenpolitik?, 28.09.2020.
  23. Markert, Thomas, in Russian, "The role of the Venice Commission in the constitutional development of the countries of the former Soviet Union", in a bilingual book by Thomas Buchsbaum and Katharina Pabel (eds.): Democratizing the Constitution of Belarus, Vienna 2024, pp. 35 et seq.
  24. Thomas Markert, The Role of the Venice Commission in the Constitutional Development of the countries of the Soviet Union (2024).
  25. Thomas Markert, The Role of the Venice Commission in the Constitutional Development of the countries of the Soviet Union (2024).
  26. Matscher, Franz, Demokratie durch Recht, Salzburger Nachrichten, 01.07.2000.
  27. Matscher, Franz, Il contributo della Commissione di Venezia alla protezione delle minoranze in Europa, in Auer, Andreas / Flückiger, Alexandre / Hottelier, Michel, Les droits de l'homme et la constitution, Etudes en l'honneur du Profeseur Giorgio Malinverni, 2007.
  28. Mavčič, Arne. Evropska komisija za demokracijo skozi pravo. Dignitas : revija za človekove pravice. dec. 2009, [št.] 41/44, str. 149-174. ISSN 1408-9653. [COBISS.SI-ID 367615] in Dignitas Human Rights Journal.
  29. Pabel, Katharina, Parteiverbote auf dem europäischen Prüfstand, Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 63 (2003), pp. 92-928.
  30. Pecorario, Alessio, I vent’anni della Commissione di Venezia del Consiglio d’Europa: storia di uno dei più formidabili successi della diplomazia italiana nelle relazioni giuridiche internazionali, Rivista di Studi Politici - S. Pio V, Anno XXII, Luglio-Settembre 2010.
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