Retour Discovering the Youth Sector over breakfast

Discovering the Youth Sector over breakfast

 About forty guests from 35 Permanent representations and diplomatic missions met on Monday 16 January at the European Youth Centre Strasbourg (EYCS) where they were greeted by Matjaž Gruden, Director of Democratic Participation, and Antje Rothemund, Head of the Youth Department.

 The information session was an opportunity for diplomats to discover the Council of Europe Youth sector’s policies, activities and instruments, their impact in the member States, as well as to exchange views on the crucial importance of the participation of young people in democratic and decision-making processes, in particular in contributing to the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe.  The chairs and vice-chairs of the youth sector statutory committees together with staff of the Youth Department presented the information and answered questions.

At a time when member States are increasingly seeing youth as a priority for the Council of Europe, as seen by the last 10 ''Committee of Ministers' presidency programmes'', the guests expressed their appreciation for this opportunity to find out more about the Organisation’s 50-year long commitment to young people and youth policy.


 Programme of the event

9.30 – 9.35 a.m.     Welcome by Matjaž Gruden, Director of Democratic Participation, DG II

9.35 – 9.50 a.m.     The co-management system

                               A living example of participatory democracy and citizen participation

                               Spyros Papadatos

                               Chair of the Joint Council on Youth (CMJ) and of the Advisory Council on Youth (CCJ)

                               Jorge Orlando Queiros

                               Chair of the European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ) (Portugal)

9.50 – 10.05 a.m.  The Council of Europe youth sector strategy 2030 and its contribution to ensuring effective and meaningful youth policies in Europe

                               How the Council of Europe youth sector strategy helps member states to devise their youth policies, and what assistance tools are available to member states in this respect

                               Katrin Olt

                               Vice-Chair of the European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ) (Estonia)

                               Clementina Barbaro

                               Head of the Youth Policy Division, Youth Department, DG II

10.05 – 10.20 a.m. The European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest – programmes and facilities

                               Preparing young people to become multipliers for the Council of Europe’s values.

                               Rui Gomes

                               Head of the Education and Training Division, Youth Department, DG II

                               Marie Farigoules

                               Executive Director of the European Youth Centre Strasbourg, Youth Department, DG II

10.20 – 10.35 a.m. The European Youth Foundation

                               Providing financial and educational support to European youth activities.

                               Gordana Berjan

                               Head of the European Youth Foundation Division, Youth Department, DG II

                               Alice Bergholtz

                               Vice-Chair of the Advisory Council on Youth (CCJ)

10.35 – 10.45 a.m. Integrating a youth perspective in the work of the Organisation and Youth contribution to the 4th Council of Europe Summit

                               Antje Rothemund

                               Head of the Youth Department, DG II

                               Spyros Papadatos

                               Chair of the Joint Council on Youth (CMJ) and of the Advisory Council on Youth (CCJ)

10.45 – 11.00 a.m. Conclusions and closing

11.00 a.m.              Optional guided tour of the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg

                               Marie Farigoules, Executive Director of the European Youth Centre Strasbourg, Youth Department, DG II

European Youth Centre Strasbourg 16 January 2023
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