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Retour Extended call for study sessions on Roma Youth Participation

Extended call for study sessions on Roma Youth Participation

The Youth Department of the Council of Europe has extended the call for activities to be held in cooperation with the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest on the topic of Roma youth participation. Therefore, it invites non-governmental youth organisations, networks and other non-governmental structures working with and for young Roma and involved in areas of youth work relevant to the Council of Europe's youth policy to submit applications for study sessions to be held in the 2nd semester 2022.

 The new deadline for application for activities on Roma youth participation is set for 25 November 2021.

 More information about the call and the forms to apply can be found here: https://www.coe.int/en/web/youth/-/call-for-activities-to-be-held-in-co-operation-with-the-european-youth-centres-in-strasbourg-and-budapest-2nd-semester-2022

25 October 2021
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