The members of the new Advisory Council on Youth for 2024-2025 met at the European Youth Centre Strasbourg from 7 to 9 February for their induction course.
The activity was organised to prepare the members of the Advisory Council on Youth, the non-governmental partner in the Council of Europe co-managed decision-making structure, to competently and confidently carry out their role during the mandate.
By meeting for the first time their colleagues and other relevant stakeholders for their mandate, the members of the Advisory Council prepared themselves about the thematic priorities and tasks assigned to them and, especially could share their expectations and discuss how they would like to work together during their mandate. As a result, most of the participants stated understanding better what is expected from them and, for example, how to work towards consensus, among each other and with the governmental experts of the European Steering Committee for Youth, the other partner body of the co-management system in place in the youth sector of the Council of Europe.
The Advisory Council is made up of 30 representatives from youth NGOs and networks in Europe and its main task is to advise the Committee of Ministers on all questions relating to youth. The new council will meet for the first at the European Youth Centre Budapest from 8 to 10 April.