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National youth policy review of Romania

International review of national youth policy

 English  French 


National youth policy review of Estonia

International review of national youth policy

 English  French



National youth policy review of Luxembourg

International review of national youth policy

 English  French 


Youth against violence

Seminar report by Ingrid Ramberg

The seminar "Youth against Violence" brought together young people from all over Europe, who are ready to stand up to violence, to support the victims of violence and to develop strategies and projects to counteract violence. They are active in their local neighbourhoods, in schools, in youth clubs, in local associations and initiatives and within their peer-groups. Most importantly, they are courageous and pragmatic, and they are not afraid to look closely at the dark sides of society and to initiate change within their social environments. This work is rarely without inconvenience, risk and danger, and it often involves long-term commitment.  English 


Le Conseil de l’Europe et la jeunesse

Trente années d’expérience (2002)

Le Conseil de l’Europe fait figure de pionnier en matière de politique européenne de la jeunesse. Les créations des Centres européens de la jeunesse et du Fond européen pour la jeunesse ainsi que la mise en place d’un véritable partenariat entre les organisations de jeunesse et les gouvernements sont l’expression d’une prise de conscience double : celle de la nécessité d’offrir à la jeunesse un espace réel de participation et celle de prévoir un espace de dialogue pour les nouvelles étapes de la construction européenne auxquelles non seulement les gouvernements mais aussi la société dans son ensemble sont appelés à prendre part. Depuis l’origine, la participation constitue le mot clé de la politique de la jeunesse du Conseil de l’Europe: «travailler pour et avec les jeunes».

Anglais    Francais


Supporting young people in Europe

Principles, Policy and Practice (2002) volume 1

This report has endeavoured to draw out both the strategic issues and the operational challenges for effective youth policy. Based on both the national and international reports arising from seven countries accross Europe (Finland, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Romania, Estonia, Luxembourg), it has sought to highlight both common themes and significant differences in thinking and approach.

English version    French version 


Exploring the European youth mosaic

See original imageThe social situation of young people in Europe (2002)

This report is an overview of the social situation of young people in Europe. It includes all states parties to the European Cultural Convention, and thus takes a global view. Key themes are education, training and employement, family life and living arrangements, and social and political participation.  English   French 


See original imageCan youth make a difference?

Youth policy facing diversity and change (2002)

This book explores the current variety of youth life-styles and elaborates on their implications for youth policy and youth work. For example, how should youth policies respond to the increasing heterogeneity of youth cultures and sub-cultures? How are current models of youth participation to be developed? And how should policies reflect young people's interest in their artistic, cultural and cyber world?  English version  


Youth work with boys and young men

as a means of preventing violence in everyday life

Young men and boys are increasingly exposed to violent situations in their daily lives, as a result of peer-group competitiveness and society's views of success, which are based solely on physical and economic considerations. Combating violence against girls and young women is already one of the most pressing human rights issues across Europe. However, while young boys and men frequently figure as actual or potential perpetrators of violence, their roles as victims or advocates of non-violence is often neglected. Measures to combat violence have to be gender specific and involve both sexes in order to be effective. 



National youth policy review of Lithuania

International review of national youth policy

English  French 


Learning from violence

Symposium report by Ingrid Ramberg

Violence is arguably the most common form of violation of human rights, affecting probably all human beings, directly or indirectly. Young people are as exposed to violence as the rest of society, but are more vulnerable to it and its consequences. The need to associate young people with the promotion of a culture of human rights and a non-violent society is at the root of the Human Rights Education Youth Programme. In this report the author analyses the issues related to youth and violence as raised at the Symposium, and presents the recommendations produced.

 English  French


National youth policy review of Norway

International review of national youth policy



Young People and Violence Prevention 

Youth Policy Recommendations - edited by Gavan Titley

Violence is a serious issue in the lives of many young people, and various types of violence inflict crushing damage on their well-being, integrity and life possibilities. In Europe today, many young people are active in placing violence prevention at the heart of human rights advocacy. This brochure discusses and presents policy recommendations that can support the work of young people, public authorities and non-governmental organisations in violence prevention and in dealing with the consequences of violence and they emphasise the key role that young people can and do play as protagonists of violence prevention. 

 English  French 


Making a difference with minority youth in Europe

Evaluation and impact study by Vaida Jasiukaityte

An evaluation and impact study of the Long term training course ''Participation and Citizenship on empowerment of minority youth leaders'' that run for five years between 1997 and 2001. During these five years, the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe has carried out a long-term training course with the aim to empower minority youth leaders and enhance their participation at local and national level.This is a summary of the evaluation of the course and of the impact achieved on participants, the minority young people and the communities in which they were active.

 English  French 


Learning from violence


The youth dimension (2004)

How to learn from violence in everyday life?In this publication, researchers from widely differing backgrounds analyse the root causes of violence from different perspectives and attempt to discover precisely how violence plays a role in the lives of young people, whether they be victims or perpetrators. The articles collected here are contributions to a seminar organised in the context of the Council of Europe's integrated project "Responses to violence in everyday live in a democratic society".  English-French bilingual version  



A manual to use peer group education as a means to  fight racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and intolerance, 3rd edition (2005)

DOmino tries to give some assistance to those working or planning to work with young people on peer group education projects. The different sections of DOmino contain some theoretical background on peer group education as well as different project descriptions, methods, quotes and stories from young people. DOmino is the result of different youth work practices in several European countries, both in the formal and informal educational sector.

English version    French version

Order from bookstore


National youth policy review of Malta

International review of national youth policy

 English  French 


Young active citizens 


Council of Europe award 2005

The Council of Europe organised the “Young Active Citizens” Award in order to promote participation by young people in society, especially at local and regional level. Its objectives were to encourage participation and democratic citizenship; to promote innovatory initiatives; to develop new partnerships; to increase cooperation with other Council of Europe sectors; and to give the youth sector a higher profile. In 2005, the European Year of Citizenship through Education, the Award seeked in particular to generate a more profound sense of citizenship among young people, to create a feeling of belonging to a democratic society and to stimulate a commitment to that society.  English  French 


The Region I love - Voices of young people from the Balkans

Youth and intercultural learning in the Balkans

This publication is for all of those people who live and work in the Region, and who are interested in the Balkans, whether they be youth leaders, or representatives of public authorities or institutions. This booklet aims to be a tool to contribute to a better understanding within the Region, of the Region, for all youth leaders, youth workers who would like to further develop activities in the Balkans. It is one tool among many for all those people who think of the Balkans as “a Region they love”, a sentiment shared by all of the authors, and, we hope, by all who read it.  English 


Islamophobia and its consequences on Young People

Seminar report by Ingrid Ramberg

Islamophobia can be defined as the fear of or prejudiced viewpoint towards Islam, Muslims and matters pertaining to them. Whether it takes the shape of daily forms of racism and discrimination or more violent forms, Islamophobia is a violation of human rights and a threat to social cohesion. Young people are of course not immune to this. At this seminar (2004), Islamophobia was discussed within the wider context of racism and discrimination in Europe, in new and old forms. The report provides a documentation of the presentations, workshops and debates and includes a series of policy recommendations aimed at preventing Islamophobia and fostering intercultural respect and co-operation.

 English  French 


How big is your world?

Europe, Youth and Globalisation. An anthology (2005)

This publication brings together the contents of the discussions which took place during a large-scale youth event in Strasbourg in 2004 on the themes of Europe, youth and globalisation under the slogan "How big is your world?", which brought together nearly 400 young people, experts, personalities and policy makers from all over the world. Whether in large-panel discussions or small-scale working groups, the participants of the event reaffirmed the importance of young people taking an active role in the struggle to humanise global processes and to become empowered actors of a more equitable and just process of globalisation.

English version 


Don't judge a book by its cover!

The living Library Organiser's Guide (2005 and 2011)

The Books in the Living Library are people representing groups frequently confronted with prejudices and stereotypes, and who are often victims of discrimination or social exclusion. In this library, Books cannot only speak, but they are able to reply to the readers' questions, and the Books can even ask questions and learn themselves. The Living Library methodology is part of the Council of Europe's youth programme on human rights education.

Living library  English (2005) English (2011) French Danish  Finnish  German  Hungarian  Icelandic  Norwegian  Swedish  Turkish  Ukrainian (2011) 


Young people at the Heart of Europe

A decade of the European Youth Centre Budapest (2006)

This book contains the contributions of numerous Europeans. All of them have at least one thing in common: in their political or professional functions, in their work or in their voluntary commitment to civil society, present or past, they have come into contact with the European Youth Centre Budapest of the Council of Europe. Their individual memories, wishes and experiences present the numerous parts of a complex puzzle, which together give a colourful and vivid picture of what made and makes the European Youth Centre Budapest.

  English version  French version  Hungarian version


European framework for youth policy

The development of a European framework for youth policy is an initiative of the European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ), the intergovernmental body of the Council of Europe’s youth sector. It aims to provide policy makers in the 48 States Parties to the European Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe with guidelines for the formulation and implementation of their youth policy. This framework has been prepared by Mr Siurala, then Director of Youth in the City of Helsinki (Finland) and former Director of Youth and Sport in the Council of Europe, on the basis of the results of the work carried out by a group of experts designated by the CDEJ.  English  French


Committed to making a difference

Racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, and intolerance and their impact on young people in Europe

In October 2005, the European Youth Centres in Budapest and Strasbourg organised a symposium under the headline ''all different-all equal'' to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the European Youth Campaign against racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and intolerance by marking its continuation and restart.  English 


National youth policy review of the Slovak Republic 

International review of national youth policy

 English  French 


National youth policy review of Cyprus

International review of national youth policy

 English  French 


Interreligious and intercultural dialogue in youth work

Symposium report

Intercultural dialogue is one of the key missions of the Council of Europe, along with fostering democracy, human rights and the rule of law.Young people are crucial actors in that process. The Symposium focused on the problems young people across Europe face in relation to cultural and religious diversity. The participants exchanged good practice in youth work and agreed on a Declaration that sets out the main purpose and objectives in intercultural interreligious from a youth perspective. The event was part of the ‘All Different – All Equal’ European youth campaign for Diversity, Human Rights and Participation, run by the Council of Europe in 2006-2007.  English 


Gender Matters (first edition)

A manual on addressing gender-based violence affecting young people (2007)

Gender Matters is a manual aimed to assist educators' and youth leaders' work on issues of gender and gender-based violence with young people. This publication presents theoretical information, methods, and resources for education and training activities, along with concrete exercises that users can put into practice in their daily work. Gender-based violence, including violence against women, remains a key human rights challenge in contemporary Europe and in the world.

English version    French version   Russian version 


Portfolio européen pour animateurs et travailleurs de jeunesse

Le portfolio: un instrument visant à contribuer à une meilleure reconnaissance de l'éducation et de l'apprentissage non formels et du travail de jeunesse

Le Portfolio européen pour animateurs et travailleurs de jeunesse est une initiative du Conseil de l'Europe en coopération avec des experts et des partenaires tels que la Commision européenne et le Forum européen de la jeunesse. Il vise à offrir aux animateurs et travailleurs de jeunesse en Europe, bénévoles ou professionnels, un outil pouvant les aider à identifier, évaluer et décrire leurs compétences, sur la base de normes de qualité européennes. 

 français  anglais  néerlandais  allemand  bulgare  russe  turc

Diversity Youth Forum report

The Diversity Youth Forum was organised at the European Youth Centre in Budapest from 24 to 29 October 2006, within the framework of the 'All Different - All Equal' European youth Campaign for Diversity, Human Rights and Participation.  English 



National youth policy review of Latvia

International review of national youth policy

This international review of the national youth policy in Latvia aims to fulfil three distinct objectives: 1.  to advise on national youth policy; 2.  to identify components which might combine to form a harmonised approach to youth policy across Europe; and 3.  to contribute to a learning process in relation to the development and implementation of youth policy. This report goes from the historical background through to the present day and includes information gathered by the international review team as well as its analyses and recommendations concerning the development, perspectives and challenges for the future of youth policy in Latvia.  English 


National youth policy review of Hungary

International review of national youth policy

This international review of Hungarian national youth policy aims to fulfil three distinct objectives: 1. to advise on national youth policy; 2. to identify components which might combine to form a harmonised approach to youth policy across Europe; and 3. to contribute to a learning process in relation to the development and implementation of youth policy. This review benefits from ten years of experience and contributes to the European exchange of information on youth policies. This report includes information gathered by the international review team as well as its analyses and recommendations concerning the development, perspectives and challenges for the future of youth policy in Hungary.   English 


Supporting young people in Europe

Lessons from the ‘second seven’ Council of Europe international reviews of national youth policy - volume 2

Vol. 2 develops the framework that was initially established based on reviews of national youth policy conducted between 1997-2001. Moreover, it further refines the process by which international reviews are carried out, in order to improve the experience of participating in review teams and the quality of the international reports.  English version  French version 



Raising young refugees’ voices in Europe and beyond

Seminar report edited by Nadine Lyamouri-Bajja

Young refugees and asylum seekers represent a group of displaced youth with specific needs and assets. This report conveys the main points of a training seminar that brought together young forcibly displaced persons and other young people working in their favour. The participants in the seminar believe that all young people need to participate in building Europe, that social cohesion implies the inclusion of marginalised, minority youth and that nobody can talk about young refugees' needs better than themselves.  English 


Intercultural Learning in European Youth Work: Which Ways Forward?

Seminar report by Ingrid Ramberg, including:
The Role of Intercultural Learning in European Youth Work. Ten theses - Yesterday and Today, by Hendrik Otten'Plastic Political and Contingent': Culture and Intercultural Learning in Directorate of Youth and Sport Activities, by Gavan Titley English  French 


All different - All equal: Cookbook

From starters to desserts, you will find a selection of the 365 projects promoting peace, understanding and co-operation, undertaken as part of the Council of Europe Youth Campaign for Diversity, Human Rights, and Participation during 2006 and 2007. The book provides information  on how the projects were designed. You are also invited to discover various "spices" – that is, creative methods and innovative approaches used during the activities.  English 


Eggs in a pan

Youth work: Speeches, Writings and Reflections by Peter Lauritzen (2008)

"Eggs in a pan" is an exceptional journey through several decades of social and political development in Europe, as seen through the eyes of Peter Lauritzen, a sensitive communicator, and well-informed analyst. In this collection of his written production, he reflects on a wide range of themes relevant to youth policy, youth work, and youth research. This collection of Peter Lauritzen's work brings together writings, interviews, and speeches from all stages of his professional career as an international civil servant at the Council of Europe, as well as from his activity in the youth and adult education fields from before he joined the institution in 1972.  English 


Repères juniors

Manuel pour la pratique de l’éducation aux droits de l’homme avec les enfants (2008) 


Lire la suite   Anglais  Français   Hongrois  Russe  Commander



A campaign guide about education and learning for change in Diversity, Human Rights and Participation

This guide has been produced under the Council of Europe's Youth Campaign for Diversity, Human Rights, and Participation "All Different - All Equal". The campaign provides an essential stimulus for common action to promote diversity, participation, and human rights. It seeks to bring attention both to the issues themselves and the methods used to address them. It is intended to support campaigners, activists and educators to advocate and educate to reach these goals. The guide builds on the approaches and methodologies of Compass - the manual on human rights education for young people.

English version  French version  Russian version 


National youth policy review of Armenia

International review of national youth policy

This international review of national youth policy in Armenia aims to fulfil three distinct objectives: 1. to advise on national youth policy; 2. to identify components which might combine to form a harmonised approach to “youth policy” across Europe; and 3. to contribute to a learning process in relation to the development and implementation of youth policy. This review proved especially challenging, as Armenia is the first CIS country to seek such a youth policy review. This report presents information collected by the international review team, along with its analyses and recommendations concerning the development, perspectives and challenges for the future of youth policy in Armenia.   English 


Manual for facilitators in non-formal education (2009)


The manual provides essential information and practical tips for all who are involved in planning and delivering non-formal education intercultural activities on an occasional basis. This manual is part of the endeavour of the Council of Europe's youth sector to support and develop the quality of non-formal education activities across Europe and, in doing so, contribute to further their recognition.

English version    French version    Russian version    Turkish version 


Encompassing Human Rights Education

Review of the Human Rights Education Youth Programme 2000 - 2008

In 2000, the Directorate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe launched a Human Rights Education Youth Programme with the aim of "bringing human rights education into the mainstream of youth work and youth policy". This publication is a review of the main activities and achievements of this programme. The review is a contribution to the Forum on Human Rights Education 'Living , Learning, Acting for Human Rights' (European Youth Centre Budapest, October 2009) on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe.  English   French 


National youth policy review of Moldova

International review of national youth policy

The review of the national Youth policy in Moldova has been enriched by the experience gained from the previous reviews in Europe. The report is based on a cross-sectoral understanding of youth policy. It focuses on youth policy structures, education (formal and especially non-formal), transition to the labour market and entrepreneurship. There are overviews of policy related to social security, juvenile justice and sport. Particular attention has been paid to questions such as migration, urban-rural divisions and the Transnistria issue.    English 


Kit de démarrage pour l'information des jeunes

Le Kit de démarrage, réalisé en partenariat avec l'Agence européenne pour l'information et le conseil des jeunes - EYRICA, permet de s'initier à ce qu'est l'information des jeunes, à ses principes organisateurs et ses fonctions ; il explique comment lancer des services d'information aux jeunes et fournit les données pratiques  sur ce que les différentes institutions européennes peuvent offrir à ceux qui veulent se lancer dans l'univers de l'information aux jeunes.

anglais  français  croate  allemand  italien  macédonien  polonais  russe  espagnol  turc

National Youth Policy review of Albania

International review of national youth policy

The report focuses on three issues identified by the Albanian government: the law, delivery mechanisms and youth participation, and three issues identified as important by the review team itself: youth information, leisure-time activities and youth crime and justice. While reviewing the youth policy in Albania with special attention to theses issues, the international team came across a number of specific or cross-sectoral subjects (education, health, minorities, etc.) which helped depict a broad picture of the situation of young people in the country.  English  


Living, Learning, Acting for Human Rights

Report of the Forum on Human Rights Education with Young People

The Council of Europe has placed human rights education at the core of its work with and by young people. This endeavour has become more visible and consistent since the publication of the Compass manual and its very numerous translation. This success has been made possible only by the commitment and motivation of many youth workers and young people who, alongside youth policy and human rights experts, have secured the necessary implication and a strong multiplying effect at national and local levels, without which European youth policy approaches make little sense.

 English  French  Russian 


Asia-Europe Training Course on Environmental Human Rights

A Present And Future Challenge For Youth Work

The Asia-Europe Training Courses are intercultural learning instruments of non-formal education that focus on personal and professional development of young people from Asia and Europe and on capacity building of youth organisations in both regions. By organising this training course, the Council of Europe and the Asia-Europe Foundation re-affirm their commitment to support global youth co-operation and solidarity.  English 


The right to be young 

Roma Youth Conference Report

The conference was designed as a multi-stakeholder and non-formal intercultural learning situation, where participants exchanged their experiences and built upon previous results to identify current challenges for young Roma and key areas for European youth work and youth policy in relation to the specific situation of young Roma. This report includes the main outcomes of the conference, and provides reflections related to the context of the conference, with emphasis on the political European framework and the situation of Roma youth in Europe.  English 


Living Library June 2011 - Refugees

The Living Library is a tool that seeks to challenge prejudice and discrimination. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse the catalogue for the available titles, choose the book they want to read, and borrow it for a limited period of time. After reading, they return the book to the library and if they want, borrow another. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation.

On 20th June 2011, World Refugee Day, the Youth department organised a Living Library dedicated to the issue.   English  French (Bilingual) 


Youth Peace Camp 2012

The Youth Peace Camps were initiated by the Council of Europe in 2003 to bring together young people from conflict regions and to support them in initiating dialogue and cooperation. The participants follow an experiential learning process and acquire competences in the fields of intercultural learning, dialogue and conflict transformation within a human rights framework. In 2012 the Youth Peace Camp was attended by young people from the Caucasus, the Balkans and the Middle East who gained a positive experience of living and working together.

English Read more on the Youth Peace Camp page 


Living Library 16 September 2012 (leaflet)

Council of Europe Open Day

The Living Library is a tool that challenges prejudice and discrimination. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse the catalogue for the available titles, choose the book they want to read, and borrow it for a limited period of time. After reading, they return the book to the library and if they want, borrow another. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation.  English  French  German 


Starting points for combating hate speech online 


The Council of Europe’s Youth Department commissioned three “mapping” studies about the realities of hate speech and young people and projects and campaigns about it. These studies are published here as a resource for the activists, youth leaders, researchers, partners and decision makers associated to the project and the online campaign. They are truly starting points: more research is needed, both on the legal and policy implications of hate speech online as on its impact and relation with young people.

English version 


Compendium of Council of Europe approaches to key youth policy and youth work issues

Compendium of Council of Europe celebrates the 40th anniversary of  the  Council  of  Europe’s  first  European  Youth Centre and the European Youth Foundation – both created in 1972. It approaches key youth policy and youth work issues: Youth policy - Human rights education - Intercultural learning - Youth information - Youth participation - Non-formal education.

English version    French version 


National youth policy review of Ukraine 


International review of national youth policy

  English  Order from the bookstore 


National youth policy review of Belgium 

International review of national youth policy


 English  French 


Young persons and the case-law of the ECHR and the ESC

Young persons and the case-law of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter

Meant as a first case-law compilation of important decisions involving young people, from the European Court on Human Rights and the European Committee of Social Rights, this publication is a contribution to the ongoing evidence-based policy debate on how young people’s access to rights can be improved. Published on the initiative of the Advisory Council on Youth, this document presents an open invitation to researchers and policy actors at the national and European level, governments and NGOs, to consider how the European human rights instruments can be further strengthened to ensure that every person in Europe can enjoy their fundamental rights.   English 


The Advisory Council on Youth (leaflet)

The Advisory Council on Youth is a Council of Europe body made up of 30 representatives from youth NGOs and networks which provides opinions and input on all youth sector activities. It also ensure that young people are involved in other activities of the Council of Europe. 

The Advisory Council on Youth is the non-governmental partner in the co-managed bodies of the Council of Europe's Youth Department

 English  French  Russian


Youth Peace Camp 2014

Talking about conflict without talking about the conflict

The Youth Peace Camp aims to engage with young people and leaders in youth organisations from conflict stricken regions by providing them a positive experience in living and learning together. The camp’s programme develops their competences for dialogue and conflict transformation activities based on human rights education and intercultural learning and motivates them to act as multipliers for peace in their communities and organisations..

English  Read more on the Youth Peace Camp page 


The Gabala Forum

Report of the Forum of the No Hate Speech Movement youth campaign

The Council of Europe launched the No Hate Speech Movement youth campaign in March 2013 to combat and prevent hate speech and promote human rights online. The campaign was decentralised in 39 national campaigns across Europe and beyond. In October 2014, the ancient city of Gabala in Azerbaijan played host to some 240 young people from 45 countries. This report is an account of the experiences and expectations of the actors of the campaign. It should serve as a guide for ideas and inspiration for the future of the No Hate Speech Movement and other similar campaigns.   English 


The Advisory Council on Youth (leaflet)

The Advisory Council on Youth is a Council of Europe body made up of 30 representatives from youth NGOs and networks which provides opinions and input on all youth sector activities. It also ensure that young people are involved in other activities of the Council of Europe.

The Advisory Council on Youth is the non-governmental partner in the co-managed bodies of the Council of Europe's Youth Department



Right to Remember

A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide (Second edition 2017)

A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide -The publication is a self-contained educational resource for all those wishing to promote deeper awareness of the Roma Genocide and combat discrimination. Right to Remember includes educational activities, as well as ideas for commemoration events, and information about the Genocide and its relevance to the situation of the Roma people today. The second edition of the publication published in 2017 incorporates changes mainly into the introductory part of the handbook.

Roma Youth in Action Plan   anglais  français  allemand  hongrois  lituanien   romanes (juin 2021)  russe  ukrainien

Order from bookstore

Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life

Charter adopted by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe on 21 May 2003

The active participation of young people in decisions and actions at local and regional level is essential if we are to build more democratic, inclusive and prosperous societies. […] Participation and active citizenship is about having the right, the means, the space and the opportunity and where necessary the support to participate in and influence decisions and engage in actions and activities so as to contribute to building a better society.

 English  French  Albanian  Azerbaijani  Belarusian  Bulgarian  Georgian  German  Greek  Hungarian  Italian  Polish  Romanes  Romanian  Russian  Serbian  Spanish  Swedish  Turkish  Ukrainian 


Living Library 9-10 May 2014 (leaflet)

2014 European Youth Event

The Living Library is a tool that seeks to challenge prejudice and discrimination. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse the catalogue for the available titles, choose the book they want to read, and borrow it for a limited period of time. After reading, they return the book to the library and if they want, borrow another. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation.

The Youth department organised a Living Library in co-operation with the European Parliament and the European Youth Forum on the occasion of the EYE 2014 ''Ideas for a better Europe''.

 English  French  German 


Living Library 30 September 2014 (leaflet)

Don't Judge a book by its cover!

The Living Library is a tool that seeks to challenge prejudice and discrimination. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse the catalogue for the available titles, choose the book they want to read, and borrow it for a limited period of time. After reading, they return the book to the library and if they want, borrow another. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation.

The Parliamentary Assembly and the Youth department of the Council of Europe co-organised a Living Library in the framework of the No Hate Speech Movement.  

 English  French (Bilingual) 


Intergovernmental co-operation in the youth field (leaflet)

The Council of Europe carries out its governmental action in the field of youth through the European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ). This committee brings together ministries or public administrations in charge of youth Affairs in the 50 State Parties to the European Cultural Convention. The CDEJ supervises a programme of activities involving policy makers, youth researchers and youth work practitioners and focuses particularly on the development of youth policies in its member states.

 English  French  Russian 



Young Roma speak about multiple discrimination (2014)

Barabaripen includes life stories of nine young Roma affected by multiple discrimination across Europe and an analysis of the mechanisms of discrimination and the strategies that young people use in order to tackle it. Barabaripen is also an awareness-raising and educational tool; it includes proposals for educational activities with young people using the life stories and background materials.

Roma Youth in Action Plan    English version 



National youth policy review of Greece

International review of national youth policy

Greece is the 20th country to have had its youth policy reviewed by an international review team appointed by the Council of Europe. This international review focused on two aspects of youth transitions: the transition from the education system to the labour market; and the related issue of military service and conscription, which is an integral part of life for young men in Greece. 

English Order from the bookstore 


Young people’s access to rights through youth information and counselling

Toolkit on how to inform young people about their rights (2015)

This toolkit was developed in partnership with the European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA). It primarily intends to assist youth information workers working directly with young people, but it can also be used in other non-formal activities, as it offers many sources of information and inspiration on how to inform young people about their rights in an appealing way. 

English version    French version    Russian version 


The end of the beginning

Report of the evaluation and follow-up conference of the No Hate Speech Movement youth campaign

The No Hate Speech Movement – youth campaign for human rights online – is a project of the Council of Europe Youth Department launched in March 2013 which aims to combat racism and discrimination in the online expression of hate speech by equipping young people and youth organisations with the competences necessary to recognise and act against it. Combating hate speech in all forms and media remains a task for anyone concerned by universal human rights in Europe and beyond. The experiences, practices and lessons reflected in this report should serve as inspiration and motivation for further action.  English 


The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres

Promoting Council of Europe values, youth policy and youth work standards in Europe

The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres provides an opportunity for youth centres with a structured relationship to a public authority to benefi­t from the Council of Europe's approach to youth work and youth policy. It offers residential, educational youth centres a framework within which to develop the quality of their offer to young people and the youth sector at their own pace.

 English  French  Russian 


Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life

The Plain Language version

This Charter was developed by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, and with young people themselves; it contains principles, ideas and actions in the area of youth participation. The official document was written in a form that is not always easy to read, and the Congress produced “Have Your Say!” to provide better visibility to the Charter. 

 English  French  German  Italian  Russian  Turkish 



Manual on combating antigypsyism through human rights education (2015)

This manual was produced within the Roma Youth Action Plan of the Council of Europe to provide teachers, trainers and facilitators of non-formal education processes with essential information and methodological tools to address antigypsyism with young people of all ages and in any social-cultural setting. It is equally suitable for work with groups of non-Roma, Roma only, or mixed groups.

English  French  Bulgarian  Catalan   German  Greek   Hungarian  Portuguese  Russian  Spanish

Order from bookstore

Living Library 20-21 April 2015 (leaflet)

Close the chapter on child detention - Parliamentary Campaign to End Immigration Detention of Children

The Living Library is a tool that seeks to challenge prejudice and discrimination. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse the catalogue for the available titles, choose the book they want to read, and borrow it for a limited period of time. After reading, they return the book to the library and if they want, borrow another. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation.

On 20th April the Parliamentary Assembly launched a Campaign to End Immigration Detention of Children. The campaign aimed to raise awareness of this issue and urged states to adopt alternatives to detention, to allow children to remain with their family at the time when their immigration status has not yet been resolved.

 English  French (Bilingual) 


Introducing the Charter on youth participation (leaflet)

Participation in the democratic life of any community is about more than voting or standing for election ..., it is about having the right, the means, the space, the opportunity and, where necessary, the support to participate in and influence decisions and engage in actions and activities so as to contribute to building a better society.

in The preamble of the Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life (21 May 2003).

 English  French  German  Italian  Russian  Turkish 


Parole aux jeunes !

Manuel sur la Charte européenne révisée sur la participation des jeunes à la vie locale et régionale (édition 2015)

La participation est un droit humain fondamental reconnu, entre autres, dans la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme et la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant. La participation est également un principe fondamental des droits de l’homme et la condition d’une citoyenneté démocratique réelle pour tous. Le manuel « Parole aux jeunes ! » a été produit pour soutenir les autorités locales et régionales, les organisations de jeunesse et les jeunes qui veulent donner aux jeunes une véritable voix au chapitre pour une participation démocratique significative des jeunes.

anglais   français   albanais  azéri  allemand   italien   macédonien   russe  turc  ukrainien   Commander en ligne

ENTER! Access to Social Rights for Young People from Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods

Project Report 2009-2012 - 2nd Edition 2015

Enter! is an inter-sectorial project of the youth sector of the Council of Europe aiming to develop youth work and youth policy responses to exclusion, discrimination and violence affecting young people in multicultural disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The report collects and capitalises the experiences and learning outcomes of the Enter! project 2009-2012. It represents the most relevant learning points from the various project activities, reflections around the impact and value of youth work in improving the access to social rights for young people and recommendations for the future of the Enter! project.



Carte postale de la recommandation Enter!

Accès des jeunes des quartiers défavorisés aux droits sociaux

Extrait de la Recommandation CM/Rec(2015)3 du Comité des Ministres aux États membres sur l’Accès des jeunes des quartiers défavorisés aux droits sociaux. Adoptée par le Comité des Ministres le 21 janvier 2015 lors de la 1217e réunion des Délégués des Ministres.

 anglais  français


Compendium of national youth information and counselling structures

in collaboration with ERYICA (2015)

This unique compendium traces the history of Youth Information Centre (YIC) services across the continent, describes in detail the vital role YIC services play and offers guidance and advice for those countries wishing to expand, improve or establish their own structures. In an age when mass online communication can often be overwhelming and confusing, the compendium provides a valuable single reference for those interested in and working hard for a bright future for Europe’s younger citizens.

English version  French version 



Une manuel pour la pratique de l’éducation aux droits de l’homme avec les jeunes (2015)

Repères est paru pour la première fois en 2002 dans le cadre du Programme jeunesse d’éducation aux droits de l’homme de la Direction de la Jeunesse et du Sport du Conseil de l’Europe. Ce programme avait été mis en oeuvre parce que l’éducation aux droits de l’homme – autrement dit, les activités et les programmes éducatifs axés sur la promotion de l’égale dignité humaine – était et reste un outil indispensable au développement d’une dimension européenne de la citoyenneté démocratique pour tous les jeunes et à la promotion d’une culture de droits de l’homme universels.

Site web officiel   Langues disponibles    Commander

Access of Young People from Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods to Social Rights

Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)3 on the access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights

Social cohesion is important for the sustainability of democracy and human rights; it implies an acceptance of shared responsibility for the welfare of all members of society, especially those who are at risk of poverty or exclusion. In line with this, the youth policy of the Council of Europe aims at providing young people with “equal opportunities and experience which enable them to develop knowledge, skills and competencies to play a full part in all aspects of society”.

 English  French  Czech  Dutch  Georgian German  Hungarian  Italian  Lithuanian  Portuguese Russian  Slovak  Spanish  Turkish  Ukrainian 


National youth policy review of Serbia

International review of national youth policy

In the late 2000s, Serbia impressed many in the youth field by creating almost the perfect storm in shaping its national youth strategy. Youth policy in Serbia, the 21st international review of national youth policy conducted by the Council of Europe youth department since 1997, considers the state of Serbian youth policy in 2014. It is a story both of impressive achievements and unfulfilled dreams – as politicians of all persuasions in many countries are prone to say about policy development, things have come a long way in a short time, but there is still a long way to go.

English Order from the bookstore 


The Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio (brochure)

An online tool for quality development of youth work in Europe based on self-assessment of youth workers' competences

The Council of Europe and young people have always been working together to build a better, safer and more united Europe. The Council of Europe is committed to building a Europe with and for all young people. The youth sector of the Council of Europe elaborates guidelines, programmes and legal instruments for the development of coherent and effective youth policies at local, national and European levels. Recognition of youth work and non-formal education is a key priority of the youth sector of the Council of Europe.

 English  French  German  Russian  Youth Work Portfolio website 


Taking it seriouslyÀ prendre au sérieux

Guide de la Recommandation  CM/Rec(2015)3 du Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe aux États membres sur l’accès des jeunes des quartiers défavorisés aux droits sociaux

anglais  français   allemand  espagnol  italien   russe  turc


Carte postale de la recommandation sur l'Accès des jeunes aux droits

Extrait de la Recommandation du Comité des Ministres aux États membres sur l’Accès des jeunes aux droits [CM/Rec(2016)7], adoptée le 28 septembre 2016 lors de la 1266e réunion des Délégués des Ministres.

 anglais  français


Living Library 20-21 May 2016 (leaflet)

2016 European Youth Event

The Living Library is a tool that seeks to challenge prejudice and discrimination. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse the catalogue for the available titles, choose the book they want to read, and borrow it for a limited period of time. After reading, they return the book to the library and if they want, borrow another. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation.

The Council of Europe cooperated with the European Parliament and the European Youth Forum for the second time for the organisation of the EYE “together we can make a change”.

 English  French  German 


Kit pédagogique

Idées, ressources, méthodes et activités pour l’éducation interculturelle informelle avec des adultes et des jeunes  (Révisé en 2016)

Les auteurs du kit pédagogique visaient à fournir du matériel pratique et théorique pouvant être utilisé par les éducateurs, les formateurs, les animateurs socio-éducatifs et les enseignants en éducation informelle, afin de faciliter le processus d'apprentissage et la connaissance des jeunes de leur environnement.

anglais  français  hongrois  ukrainien  Commande sur la Librairie en ligne

European Youth Foundation Annual Report 2015

This document gives an overview of the projects and activities of non-governmental youth organisations supported by the European Youth Foundation in 2015, and reports on the other activities of the EYF. Following the entry into force of the new Operational Regulations of the European Youth Foundation on 1 January 2013, all grant applications and reports are submitted via the new EYF online system: annual work plans, international activities, structural grants and pilot activities.

 English  French 



A manual for combating hate speech online through human rights education (2016)

Bookmarks is published to support the No Hate Speech Movement youth campaign of the Council of Europe for human rights online. It is useful for educators wanting to address hate speech online, both inside and outside the formal education system, as it gathers activities designed for young people aged 13 to 18; however, they are adaptable to other age ranges.

English French   Albanian  Azerbaijani  Arabic  Armenian  Dutch  Estonian  Finnish  German (Austria)  German (Germany) Greek  Hungarian  Italian  Macedonian  Montenegrin  Norwegian  Polish  Portuguese  Romanian  Slovak  Spanish  Ukrainian

Order from bookstore

Cover page of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers Recommendation on Young People's Access to RightsAccès des jeunes aux droits

Recommandation CM/Rec(2016)7 adoptée par le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l'Europe le 28 septembre 2016 et exposé des motifs

La recommandation a pour objectif d’améliorer l’accès des jeunes aux droits, plutôt que de traiter des droits eux-mêmes. Elle met l’accent sur l’amélioration de cet accès par des mesures destinées à promouvoir la sensibilisation aux droits dont les jeunes devraient pouvoir jouir et les moyens dont ils disposent en cas de non-respect de ceux-ci, et à supprimer les obstacles juridiques, politiques et sociaux. Elle souligne l’importance du fait que les États membres exercent un suivi régulier des violations des droits, et qu’ils y répondent et assurent une protection adéquate au moyen de dispositions juridiques. La recommandation concerne tous les jeunes qui, du fait de leur âge, sont confrontés à des obstacles à la pleine jouissance de leurs droits de l’homme et de leurs libertés fondamentales, et à leur participation active à la société.

 anglais  français  tchèque  néerlandais  estonien  allemand  hongrois  portugais  russe  slovaque  turc  ukrainien


Youth Work

Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on youth work and explanatory memorandum

This recommendation applies to youth work in all its diversity. It aims to encourage member States to develop their youth work policy and practice within their sphere of competence and invites them to adopt a range of measures that will strengthen the necessary support for youth work at local, regional, national and European levels.

 English  French  Bosnian  Czech  Dutch  Estonian  Finnish  German  Hungarian  Icelandic  Italian  Lithuanian  Norwegian  Polish  Portuguese  Russian  Slovak  Slovenian  Swedish  Turkish  Ukrainian  Japanese 


Young people building Europe at the European Youth Centre Strasbourg

The European Youth Centre Strasbourg (EYCS ) is part of the Council of Europe. As young people help to shape the future of Europe, the Council of Europe has introduced a set of programmes to get them to play an active part in strengthening European civil society and upholding human rights, cultural diversity and social cohesion.

 English  French  German 


We canAlternatives / We CAN! des contre-récits pour combattre le discours de haine

Ce manuel présente des stratégies et des outils d’éducation et de communication destinés aux défenseurs des droits de l’homme qui souhaitent élaborer leurs propres contre-récits et récits alternatifs au discours de haine.

Il a été conçu pour travailler auprès de jeunes à partir de 13 ans. Fondé sur les principes de l’éducation aux droits de l’homme et de la participation des jeunes le manuel Alternatives complète le manuel Connexions.


  En savoir plus sur la Campagne

Supporting Young People in Europe - Volume III

Looking to the future - Substantive issues, methodological lessons, support measures and youth policy standards: a reflection on the “third seven” Council of Europe international reviews of national youth policy by Howard Williamson

The Council of Europe’s 21 international reviews of national youth policy have, over 20 years, produced a significant body of knowledge and a respected, innovative methodology. They have considerably enhanced the understanding and the development of “youth policy” throughout Europe. [...] This book, is a synthesis of the last 7 international reviews, coupled with an overview of the learning that has accrued from all 21 international reviews. It draws together some of the conclusions and challenges that have emerged over two decades and considers some lessons for the future, not least alternative models of engagement in the youth field between the Council of Europe and its member states.



Carte postale de la recommandation sur le travail de jeunesse

Extraits libres de la Recommandation CM/Rec(2017)4 du Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe aux États membres sur le Travail de jeunesse, adoptée par le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe le 31 mai 2017 lors de la 1287e réunion des Délégués des Ministres.

 anglais  français  allemand


Overcoming hate speech and extremism together

Report of the 6th Euro-Arab Youth Forum (Fez, Morocco, 24-28 April 2017)

The Euro-Arab Youth forums are central activities for young people from both the League of Arab States and the Council of Europe to engage in dialogue and, together, identify common points for action by themselves, their youth organisations and the two co-operating international organisations.



Formes nouvelles et innovantes de participation des jeunes aux processus décisionnels

Etude de Ann Crowley et Dan Moxon (2017)

La présente étude sur les formes nouvelles et innovantes de participation des jeunes a été réalisée à la demande du Service de la jeunesse du Conseil de l’Europe. Elle porte sur la participation des jeunes aux processus décisionnels aux niveaux national, régional et local. Les conclusions et recommandations formulées dans l’étude doivent servir de base aux futurs travaux du secteur jeunesse du Conseil de l’Europe dans ce domaine et à ses objectifs stratégiques qui consistent à soutenir l’attitude (positive) des jeunes citoyens pour influencer les décisions prises dans les processus démocratiques et accroître leur participation à la construction de sociétés inclusives et pacifiques.

   English  French

Living Library 30 September 2017 (leaflet)

Don't judge a book by its cover!

The Living Library is a tool that seeks to challenge prejudice and discrimination. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse the catalogue for the available titles, choose the book they want to read, and borrow it for a limited period of time. After reading, they return the book to the library and if they want, borrow another. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation.

This Living Library was organised in collaboration with the Mission to fight against discrimination of the Strasbourg Euro-Metropolis

 English  French (Bilingual) 


Living Library 28 June 2017 (leaflet)

PACE Migration and Refugees Day

The Living Library is a tool that seeks to challenge prejudice and discrimination. It works just like a normal library: visitors can browse the catalogue for the available titles, choose the book they want to read, and borrow it for a limited period of time. After reading, they return the book to the library and if they want, borrow another. The only difference is that in the Living Library, books are people, and reading consists of a conversation.

This Living Library was organised by the Committee on Migrations, Refugees and Displaced Persons of the Parliamentary Assembly and the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.

 English  French (Bilingual) 


Implementation of national youth policy

Training modules for national and municipal civil servants (2017)

The overall aim of the training module is to familiarise civil servants responsible for the implementation of National Youth Policy in any member state of the Council of Europe with its provisions, mechanisms and instruments and to support their capacity for its effective implementation in partnership with young people and youth organisations.

 English  French  German  Italian  Russian  Spanish   Turkish 


L'éducation aux droits de l'homme en action

Pratiques d'éducation aux droits de l'homme avec et par les jeunes

Le programme Jeunesse du Conseil de l’Europe sur l’éducation aux droits de l’homme est une contribution directe à la mission essentielle de l’Organisation qui est de protéger les droits de l’homme, la démocratie et l’État de droit. Le programme s’articule autour de Repères, le manuel pour l’éducation aux droits de l’homme avec les jeunes, ainsi que de stages de formation nationaux et régionaux, de projets pilotes et de sessions d’étude menés avec des organisations de jeunesse dans le cadre des Centres européens de la Jeunesse.

 anglais   français   russe

European Youth Foundation annual report 2016

This document gives an overview of the projects and activities of non-governmental youth organisations supported by the European Youth Foundation (EYF) in 2016, and reports on the other activities of the EYF during the year. Since its creation, the EYF has constantly sought to improve its working methods in order to better meet the needs of its partners. The EYF is more than just a donor. It offers financial and educational support to youth NGOs, emphasizing the content and methodology of the projects

 English  French 


Countering Violent Extremism and Youth Radicalisation

Countering Violent Extremism and Youth Radicalisation: Using the European Youth Card to Promote Peaceful Communities

The Partial Agreement on Youth Mobility through the Youth Card brings together Council of Europe member states and member organisations of the European Youth Card Association, who have since been working together to develop better mobility solutions and better youth policies for young people in Europe. The youth card goes beyond delivering services and discounts; it plays a significant role as a tool for social inclusion and participation and fosters a sense of belonging to a community.

 Report of the seminar in English 


Combatting hate speech

through human rights education within international youth work

In September 2016, the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (IJAB) invited representatives of German NGOs and youth institutions to attend the 5th Colloquium as part of the ‘Innovationsforum Jugend global’ – funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth – in Bonn. Amongst others, the topic of hate speech was discussed. The idea of developing a special training linked to the field of international youth work was born, consisting of a Pilot Training Seminar, an Expert Meeting, mapping of initiatives addressing Hate Speech, and follow-up actions linked to these. This publication captures in a comprehensive way the training and learning process of these initiatives.  English 


What Can Youth Work do for Access to Social Rights?

Impact and lessons learned from the ENTER! project on access to social rights for young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods (2009-2015)

The Council of Europe has introduced the Enter! project in 2009 to mobilise youth work responses to violence, exclusion and discrimination aecting young people in Europe, especially in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. This study highlights the impact of the project and analyses the results achieved in four main areas: educational impact; policy impact; impact on access to social rights of young people and the impact on communities of young people. The study also provides examples of action, with testimonies from youth workers and youth policy actors active on issues of access to social rights.

Read the study in English 


Self-assessment tool for youth policy

 Checking compliance with Council of Europe standards

The self-assessment tool for youth policy aims to help member states and other public stakeholders at various levels (local, regional, national, international) to self-assess their compliance with Council of Europe standards, based on the six areas of intervention (participation, information, inclusion, access to rights, youth work and mobility) which are the foundation for the Council of Europe’s youth policy. All member states are encouraged to use and disseminate the tool. 

 English  French  Albanian  Armenian  Azerbaijani  Belarusian  Bosnian  Bulgarian  Croatian  Czech  Danish  Dutch  Estonian  Finnish  Georgian  German  Greek  Hungarian  Icelandic  Italian  Kazakh  Latvian  Lithuanian  Macedonian  Norwegian  Polish  Portuguese  Romanian  Russian  Serbian  Slovak  Slovenian  Spanish  Swedish  Turkish  Ukrainian 


Is this it?

Report of the Evaluation Conference of the no Hate Speech Movement Youth campaign

This report provides an overview of the Evaluation and Closing Conference of the No Hate Speech Movement Youth Campaign. It is structured around the key elements of the Conference: evaluating the Campaign; exploring human rights concerns with regards to hate speech in Europe today and sharing the responses developed within the Campaign framework to address them; envisioning the future of the Movement.



Fonds européen pour la jeunesse - rapport annuel 2018

Ce document présente les projets et les activités des organisations de jeunesse qui ont reçu un financement du Fonds européen pour la jeunesse (FEJ) in 2018, ainsi que les autres activités menées par le FEJ durant l'année. Depuis sa création, le FEJ s'est toujours efforcé d'améliorer ses méthodes de travail afin de mieux répondre aux besoins de ses partenaires. Le FEJ est bien plus qu'un donateur. Il offre un soutien financier et pédagogique aux ONG de jeunesse, en mettant l'accent sur le contenu et la méthodologie des projets.

 anglais  français

Le Conseil de l'Europe et la politique de jeunesse

The Council of Europe and Youth PolicySoutien, assistance et ressources pour le développement des politiques de jeunesse dans les Etats membres

Cette brochure s’adresse aux représentants des autorités nationales responsables de la jeunesse qui portent de l’intérêt au travail normatif qu’effectue le secteur jeunesse du Conseil de l’Europe en matière de politique de jeunesse. Ses lecteurs y trouveront des informations sur l’engagement du Conseil de l’Europe dans le domaine de la politique de jeunesse, y compris ses principes fondateurs, comme la cogestion qui encourage la participation des jeunes à la prise de décision, ainsi que sur les principales activités que mène l’Organisation dans ce domaine. Ils y découvriront également des précisions sur l’éventail des mesures de soutien prévues pour les gouvernements désireux de consolider et/ou d’évaluer leur politique de jeunesse, partiellement ou intégralement, à la lumière de normes internationales fixées par le Conseil de l’Europe, et sur la façon de se mettre en conformité avec ces normes.

anglais   français 


Young people building Europe (leaflet)

This leaflet presents how the Council of Europe and young people have been building Europe together for 50 years. It underlines the unique role the Organisation has played in this respect and its pioneer role in the field of youth policy, in particular with its unique sytem of co-management, which gives young people and government officials an equal say when deciding on youth policiies, priorities and programmes.

 English  French  German  Russian  Turkish 


The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres - Role, Value and Impact of Youth Centres

Promoting Council of Europe values, youth policy and youth work standards in Europe

This brochure describes the common understanding of what the quality labelled youth centres stand for, what they stand for, what they should deliver and what their potential impact for society is. It describes these youth centres’ function and their contribution to youth work. The initiative ‘The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres’ is part of the intergovernmental cooperation programme of the Council of Europe’s youth sector.

 English  Ukrainian 


The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres - Quality Management in Youth Centres

Promoting Council of Europe values, youth policy and youth work standards in Europe

This brochure describes the approach chosen by quality-labelled youth centres to address quality, quality management and reporting. It describes the concepts of “structural quality” and “process quality” and proposes tools to develop quality youth centres’ work such as guiding questions for reflection, check-lists and assessment grids. The initiative ‘The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres’ is part of the intergovernmental cooperation programme of the Council of Europe’s youth sector.

 English  Ukrainian 


The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres - Good practices in Youth Centres

Promoting Council of Europe values, youth policy and youth work standards in Europe

This brochure provides concrete examples of successful practices implemented in quality-labelled youth centres. They illustrate how a youth centre can fulfil the quality criteria and serve the youth sector effectively. The initiative ‘The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres’ is part of the intergovernmental cooperation programme of the Council of Europe’s youth sector.

 English  Ukrainian 


Supporting young refugees in transition to adulthood

Recommendation CM/REc(2019)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on supporting young refugees in transition to adulthood

Young refugees are among the most vulnerable groups, due to experiences that may have involved violence, exploitation and trauma. On reaching the age of majority, young refugees no longer have access to the same rights as they had as children and as adults, may face an abrupt change in their access to support in many sectors. This recommendation aims to safeguard the rights and opportunities of young refugees in transition to adulthood, ensuring their access to social provisions to facilitate their integration into society.

 English  French  Czech  Dutch  German  Georgian  Greek  Hungarian  Italian  Polish  Portuguese  Romanian  Slovak  Spanish  Russian  Turkish  Ukrainian  


Fonds européen pour la jeunesse - rapport annuel 2018

Le présent rapport a pour but de présenter l’action du Fonds européen pour la jeunesse (FEJ) en 2018. Il porte sur les activités organisées par les organisations non gouvernementales de jeunesse ayant reçu le soutien du FEJ en 2018, ainsi que sur les activités développées par le Fonds lui-même. Depuis sa création, le FEJ cherche à améliorer ses méthodes de travail afin de mieux répondre aux besoins de ses partenaires. Le FEJ est devenu plus qu’un simple donateur en offrant un soutien financier mais aussi pédagogique aux ONG de jeunesse et en insistant sur le contenu, la méthodologie et la qualité des projets qu’il soutient.

anglais français

L’intelligence artificielle et son impact sur les jeunes

Rapport du séminaire, 4-6 décembre 2019

L'intelligence artificielle (IA) fait partie des thématiques de la stratégie 2030 du Conseil de l'Europe pour le secteur de la jeunesse comme une problématique émergente affectant les droits des jeunes. Le séminaire a exploré les enjeux, le rôle et les contributions du secteur de la jeunesse pour garantir que l'IA est utilisée de manière responsable dans les sociétés démocratiques et que les jeunes ont leur mot à dire sur les questions qui concernent leur présent et leur avenir. Conçu comme un échange avec des experts de la jeunesse, le séminaire a identifié des domaines clés à explorer et des pistes d’actions à mener. Cette publication est le résultat (condensé) de l'activité. Elle fournit des points de départ (de réflexions) sur la thématique de l'IA associée à la jeunesse, ainsi que la mise en évidence des propositions faites lors du séminaire.

Bilingue  anglais  français (début page 51)


Stratégie 2030 du secteur jeunesse

Permettre aux jeunes de s’engager sur les valeurs du Conseil de l’Europe

La Stratégie pour le secteur jeunesse à l’horizon 2030 a été adoptée par le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe le 22 janvier 2020 et figure dans la Résolution CM/Res(2020)2 du Comité des Ministres.

La pérennité de toute société démocratique repose sur la créativité, le dynamisme, l’engagement social et les compétences des jeunes. La nouvelle stratégie fournira des orientations politiques et une large feuille de route, ou une déclaration de mission, pour la période 2020-30, et constituera le cadre dans lequel les cinq prochains programmes biennaux jeunesse pour la démocratie seront mis en œuvre.

 anglais  français  albanais  arménien  azéri  bélarusien  bosniaque  bulgare  croate  tchèque  danois  néerlandais  estonien  finlandais  géorgien  allemand  grec  hongrois  islandais  italien  kazakh  letton  lituanien  macédonien  maltais  monténégrin  norvégien  polonais  portugais  roumain  russe  serbie-cyrillique  slovaque  slovène  espagnol  suédois  turc  ukrainien


Jeunesse pour la démocratie (brochure)

Le programme jeunesse pour la démocratie du Conseil de l'Europe 

Le secteur jeunesse du Conseil de l'Europe forme des générations de jeunes européens attachés à la démocratie et aux droits de l'homme ; découvrez nos missions, nos objectifs, nos priorités et nos instruments : Co-opération inter-gouvernementale, Centres européens de la jeunesse de Strasbourg et de Budapest, Fonds européen pour la jeunesse, le Partenariat avec la Commission européenne, et notre système de co-gestion, un principe novateur pour la prise de décision, qui associe la voix des jeunes européens à celles des pouvoirs publics en charge des questions de jeunesse.

 anglais  français

  albanais  arménien  azéri  bosnien  bulgare  croate  tchèque  danois  néerlandais  estonien  finnois  allemand  géorgien  grec  hongrois  islandais  italien  letton  lituanien  maltais  norvégien  polonais  portugais  roumain   russe serbe-cyrillique  serbe-latin   slovaque  slovène  espagnol  suédois  turc  ukrainien

Pleins feux sur le travail de jeunesse

Guide de la Recommandation CM/Rec(2017)4 du Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l'Europe aux Etats membres relative au travail de jeunesse

le Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe a adopté en 2017 la Recommandation CM/Rec (2017)4 relative au travail de jeunesse, qui est le premier document d’orientation approuvé à l’échelle internationale axé explicitement sur le travail de jeunesse, sa valeur pour la société et les perspectives d’amélioration au plan qualitatif en Europe.

La présente publication a pour but de rapprocher son contenu des personnes oeuvrant dans le domaine de la jeunesse, mais aussi d’apporter des informations sur la mise en oeuvre de cet instrument. Elle fournit également des conseils et des exemples d’actions à entreprendre et de politiques à élaborer afin que le travail de jeunesse puisse être mis en avant dans les politiques de jeunesse et apporter un changement dans la vie des jeunes.

anglais  français   allemand  russe  hongrois  italien  espagnol  portugais  turc  ukrainien 

 Commander en ligne


Intelligence artificielle : Comment les jeunes peuvent-ils participer ?

Rapport de séminaire en ligne des 23 au 27 novembre 2020***

Le séminaire a réuni plus de 80 participants représentant les jeunes, les travailleurs de jeunesse, les formateurs, les spécialistes de l’IA et les experts des droits humains. Il a eu pour but de recenser les parties concernées ainsi que les processus de la gouvernance de l’IA ayant un lien avec les jeunes, et d’identifier les lacunes en matière d’action publique qui empêchent la jeune génération de prendre part à cette gouvernance. Une Déclaration sur la participation des jeunes à la gouvernance de l’IA a été adoptée ; elle résume les principales demandes et attentes des jeunes sur la gouvernance, l’éducation et la participation des jeunes

 Rapport du séminaire en français (à partir de la page 43)  en anglais


Questions de genre 2020 (2e Edition)

Un manuel pour aborder la violence fondée sur le genre affectant les jeunes

Ce manuel représente une introduction utile au genre et à la violence fondée sur le genre à l'intention des personnes qui travaillent avec les jeunes, en apportant des réflexions sur ces thèmes. Il founit en outre des méthodes pratiques et des ressources en matière d'éducation et de sensibilisation.

    Commander sur le site des Editions du Conseil de l'Europe

  anglais  français


Rapport annuel 2019 du Fonds européen pour la jeunesse

Ce rapport annuel fournit des données et des statistiques sur les activités des organisations de jeunesse soutenues par le Fonds européen pour la jeunesse, ainsi que sur les activités menées par celui-ci en 2019. Depuis sa création, le FEJ a constamment recherché à améliorer ses méthodes de travail ; le Fonds est plus qu’un simple donateur : il offre un soutien financier et pédagogique aux ONG de jeunesse, en mettant l’accent le contenu et la méthodologie des projets qu’il soutient.

 anglais  français


Permettre aux jeunes de s’engager sur les valeurs du Conseil de l’Europe

La stratégie du secteur jeunesse à l'horizon 2030

La stratégie 2030 du secteur jeunesse a pour objectif de revitaliser une démocratie pluraliste, de garantir aux jeunes l'accès aux droits, une coexistence dans des sociétés inclusives et pacifiques, et de renforcer le trravail de jeunesse, tout en demeurant flexible pour faire face aux nouvelles tendances et aux défis qui surviennent dans un monde en rapide évolution. .

 anglais  français  néerlandais  allemand  hongrois  russe texte uniquement : bosniaque islandais italien espagnol turc


REPERES - manuel pour l'éducation aux droits humains avec les jeunes

2e édition, mise à jour en 2020

Les droits humains ne peuvent être uniquement défendus par des mesures législatives. Ils doivent être protégés et sauvegardés par tous, y compris par les jeunes. Les droits humains sont d'autant mieux respectés et appréciés que nous les connaissons, que nous les défendons et les mettons en oeuvre dans nos vies. REPERES procure aux animateurs de jeunesse, aux enseignants et aux facilitateurs qui mènent des activités d'éducation aux droits humains - tant professionnels que bénévoles - des idées et activités concrètes et pratiques pour impliquer, engager et motiver les jeunes pour qu'ils vivent, apprennent et agissent pour les droits humains. 

 anglais  français  Commander une version imprimée 

Versions précédentes  arabe  azéri  bulgare  estonien  allemand  hongrois  italien  macédonien  portugais  russe  slovaque  espagnol  ukrainien 



 Manuel pour la lutte contre le discours de haine en ligne par l’éducation aux droits de l’homme (2020)

Connexions a été conçu spécialement pour soutenir le Mouvement contre le discours de haine. Il présente des activités conçues pour les jeunes de 13 à 18 ans, qui peuvent être adaptées à d’autres groupes d’âge. La version mise à jour de 2020 comprend diverses activités et informations sur le « Guide des droits de l’Homme pour les utilisateurs d’internet » édité par le Conseil de l’Europe.

 anglais  français Voir également sur cette page la 1e édition de 2016, disponible en 21 versions linguistiques



L'Accord partiel sur la mobilité des jeunes par la Carte jeunes

Dépliant de présentation

Qu'est-ce qu'un Accord partiel ? Qu'est-ce que l'Accord partiel sur la mobilité des jeunes par la Carte jeunes ? Quelle est la procédure d'adhésion pour un Etat ?

 anglais  français  albanais  arménien  azéri  bélarusien  bosniaque  bulgare  croate  tchèque  danois  néerlandais  estonien  finlandais  géorgien  allemand  grec  hungrois  islandais  italien  kazakh  letton  lituanien  macédonien  maltais  monténégrin  norvégien  polonais  portugais  roumain  russe  serbe-cyrillique  serbe-latin   slovaque  slovène  espagnol  suédois  turc  ukrainien


Manuel pour facilitateurs

Un guide pour organiser et faciliter le processus éducatif des sessions d’études qui se tiennent dans les Centres européens de la jeunesse

Le Conseil de l’Europe a pour objectif de permettre aux jeunes de soutenir, défendre et promouvoir les valeurs fondamentales de l’Organisation que sont les droits humains, la démocratie et l’état de droit, et d’en bénéficier. Le programme de sessions d’étude, organisé en collaboration avec des associations et réseaux européens de jeunesse, demeure un marqueur pour les activités interculturelles de jeunesse. Ce manuel fournit des informations et des éléments pratiques pour la programmation et l’organisation d’activités d’éducation non-formelle.

 anglais publication uniquement disponible en anglais


Accroître la mobilité des jeunes au sein de l’Europe (brochure)

L’accord partiel sur la mobilité des jeunes par la carte jeunesLe Conseil de l’Europe et EYCA entretiennent une coopération solide depuis près de trente ans dans le cadre de l’Accord partiel sur la mobilité des jeunes par la Carte jeunes. Grâce à ce partenariat unique, des millions de jeunes bénéficient d’une aide pour découvrir, apprécier et apprendre à mieux connaître l’Europe, sa population, ses pays, sa culture et ses valeurs.

 anglais  français  allemand  italien  russe  espagnol  turc


Rapport annuel 2020 du Fonds européen pour la jeunesse

Ce rapport annuel fournit des données et des statistiques sur les activités des organisations de jeunesse soutenues par le Fonds européen pour la jeunesse, ainsi que sur les activités menées par celui-ci en 2020. Depuis sa création, le FEJ a constamment recherché à améliorer ses méthodes de travail ; le Fonds est plus qu’un simple donateur : il offre un soutien financier et pédagogique aux ONG de jeunesse, en mettant l’accent le contenu et la méthodologie des projets qu’il soutient.

 anglais  français



Terminologie utilisée par le Conseil de l'Europe dans le domaine de la jeunesse, pour les droits humains et l'éducation non-formelle

La compréhension mutuelle et la coopération par-delà les langues et les cultures est une tâche quotidienne pour le Conseil de l’Europe. Trouver le terme correct pour chaque langue n’est pas tâche aisée pour les non-spécialistes, et encore moins pour les animateurs de jeunesse qui doivent parfois générer leurs propres significations et traductions. Ce glossaire définit plus de 200 des termes les plus utilisés par les partenaires du secteur de la jeunesse du Conseil de l’Europe, et pourra s’avérer utile aux professionnels travaillant avec les jeunes, pour identifier et acquérir le vocabulaire de domaines thématiques tels que la politique de jeunesse, l’éducation aux droits humains et le travail de jeunesse.


Compasito - 3e édition (Repères juniors)

Manuel pour la pratique de l’éducation aux droits de l’homme avec les enfants 

Compasito est le point de départ pour les éducateurs, les enseignants et les formateurs qui se lancent dans l’éducation aux droits humains pour des enfants entre 7 et 13 ans. Le manuel familiarise le lecteur avec les concepts-clés des droits humains et des droits de l’enfant, et fournit un arrière-plan théorique substantiel sur 13 thèmes fondamentaux liés aux droits humains, tels que la citoyenneté, la démocratie, l’égalité de genre, l’environnement, les médias, la pauvreté ou encore la violence.

 Consulter le manuel on-line uniquement en anglais pour l'instant, version française en préparation

  Commandez une version imprimée



Rapport annuel 2021 du Fonds européen pour la jeunesse 

En 2021, le Fonds européen pour la jeunesse (FEJ) a continué de soutenir l’action menée par le secteur jeunesse pour relever les défis auxquels les jeunes sont confrontés en Europe ; il a financé et conseillé des organisations de jeunesse, contribué au renforcement des capacités des travailleurs et animateurs de jeunesse, et favorisé l’échange de bonnes pratiques. Le FEJ a distribué 3 616 200 EUR à 134 organisations de jeunesse, subventions à des initiatives nationales (activités pilotes), à des activités internationales et à des plans de travail annuels, et subventions structurelles. Le FEJ a reçu 358 demandes de subvention pour des activités à mettre en œuvre en 2021; 187 ont été retenues.

 anglais  français en préparation


Stages de formation nationaux et régionaux Repères sur l’éducation aux droits humains 

Manuel  pour les organisateurs

Les stages de formation nationaux et régionaux Repères sur l’éducation aux droits humains sont des activités essentielles du programme du Service de la jeunesse du Conseil de l’Europe qui contribuent directement à la mission de l’Organisation, à savoir promouvoir et protéger les droits humains. Ces stages participent également à la mise en œuvre au niveau national de la Charte du Conseil de l’Europe sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté démocratique et l’éducation aux droits de l’homme. Ce manuel fournit aux organisateurs et aux formateurs des stages de formation Repères des informations sur les ingrédients essentiels à la réussite d’un stage.

 Lire le manuel publication uniquement disponible en anglais


Turning 18 with confidence 

A practical guide to the Council of Europe Recommendation on Supporting Young Refugees in Transition to Adulthood – CM/Rec(2019)4

Many young refugees experience violence, exploitation and trauma; when they reach the age of 18, they are no longer under the protection of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. From this point, young refugees may no longer have the protection held as children, and they can face dramatic change in accessing services and support.

In 2019, the Committee of Ministers adopted Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)4 on Supporting Young Refugees in Transition to Adulthood, recommending that member states’ governments ensure that additional temporary support is available to young refugees after the age of 18. The Council of Europe prepared this Guide to further promote and support the implementation of the Recommendation.  English  French 


L'art d'apprendre l'égalité, la dignité, la démocratie

Rapport du Forum sur le présent et l'avenir de l'éducation à la citoyenneté et aux droits humains en Europe avec les jeunes (Turin, Italie 11-13 avril 2022). Le Forum avait pour but de présenter les résultats initiaux de l'examen 2022 de la Charte du Conseil de l'Europe sur l'éducation à la citoyenneté démocratique et aux droits de l'homme (EDC/ HRE), mais aussi pour que cet examen server de socle à une réflexion critique, ainsi qu'à la diffusion de l'EDC/HRE et à programmer des actions pour la renforcer.

 Bilingue anglais & français


Guidelines on young people's participation - YOUTH PARTICIPATION 2.0

The sustainability of the Council of Europe’s core values relies on the contribution of young people, as well as on their future confidence. Their participation is best fostered in an environment in which young people can freely assemble and form, join and be active in associations or political processes. The guidelines aim enhance the implementation of the Committee of Ministers Recommendation Rec(2006)14 on citizenship and participation of young people in public life, and Congress Resolution 152 (2003) on the revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life English  French 


Fonds européen pour la jeunesse (dépliant, 2023)

Soutenir les jeunes et les organisations de jeunesse

Le Fonds européen pour la jeunesse a actualisé son dépliant qui présente les informations clés sur le FEJ et les possibilités de financement qu'il offre.

  anglais  français

 albanais  arménien   azéri  bosnien  bulgare  croate  tchèque  danois  néerlandais  estonien*  finnois   géorgien  allemand  grec  hongrois   italien    islandais  kazakh  Letton  lituanien  macédonien  norvégien  polonais  portugais   romani*  roumain   russe  serbe  slovaque  slovène  espagnol  suédois  turc  ukrainien  

* Disponible prochainement. Si vous souhaitez recevoir des dépliants pour vos activités soutenues par le FEJ, veuillez contacter eyf@coe.int

Compasito - 3rd Edition updated

Compasito - manual for human rights education with children 

This new edition of Compasito – the 3rd edition with 2023 updates reflects the changes that took place in the Council of Europe and in the field of human rights education since 2020. It has two new activities but, above all, preserves the child and facilitator friendly language and design! Compasito is a manual conceived to facilitate the practice of human rights education with children. Its primary users are adults  active in formal and non-formal education with children.

 Consult the manual online    French version 


Roma Youth Participation

Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)4 of the Committee of Ministers on Roma youth participation 

This recommendation aims to call attention to the structural racism, inequities and policy gaps that member States need to address in order to ensure substantive participation, representation and inclusion of young Roma people in public and political life, in spaces of media, arts and culture, and in decision-making processes and structures, including municipal and national youth councils, youth assemblies, school parliaments, student unions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or political parties, at the local, national and international levels, and their involvement in research.

 English  French  Hungarian  Portuguese  Romany 


Recommendation on youth work five years after adoption

Report on the review of the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4

Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 on youth work is “so far the only internationally adopted policy document with the sole aim to strengthen and support youth work practice and make it an integral part of youth policy”.

A review process was foreseen by the Recommendation itself. In 2022, five years after the adoption of the Recommendation, the Council of Europe Joint Council on Youth (CMJ) started the review process of the implementation of the  Recommendation. The present report summarises the main findings of the review.  English  French 



Manual for human rights education with children 

A new edition of Compasito – the 3rd edition with 2023 updates – is now available in English and in French. This edition reflects the changes that took place in the Council of Europe and in the field of human rights education since 2020. It has two new activities but, above all, preserves the child and facilitator friendly language and design! Compasito is a manual conceived to facilitate the practice of human rights education with children. Its primary users are adults  active in formal and non-formal education with children.  English  French 


Logo of the Council of Europe Youth Department



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Think Youth! est  le bulletin mensuel du Service de la jeunesse du Conseil de l'Europe qui liste les développements et les événements dans le secteur de jeunesse.
  Bulletin Think Youth!