Day 1. Monday, 17 June 2024 - Youth Seminar

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9:30 – Opening session

  • Marcos ANDRADE – Deputy Director, European Youth Centre Budapest
  • Zsolt NÉMETH – President, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian National Assembly, Head of the Hungarian Delegation to the PACE
  • Péter KOVÁCS – President, National Youth Council of Hungary

10:00 – Session 1: Presentation of the Recommendation on the Active Political Participation of National Minority youth

  • Prof. Emma LANTSCHNER, associate professor, University of Graz and member of the Council of Europe’s Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

11:00 – 11:30 - Coffee-Break

11:30 – Session 2: Road map for the implementation of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)9 in Hungary and in other Member States

  • The Right for Political Participation
  • The Space for Political Participation
  • The Means for Political Participation

13:00 – Lunch

14:30 – Session 3: Specific roles and guidelines for political actors and stakeholders of the Recommendation

       Working Groups

16:00 – 16:30 – Coffee Break

16:30 –  Working Groups (cont.)

19:30 – Dinner

 Day 2. Tuesday, 18 June 2024 - Morning – Youth Seminar (cont’d.)

9:30   – Presentation of the outcomes of the working groups

10:00 – Session 4 Opportunities, means and support for active political participation of national minority youth. 

  • Mara GEORGESCU – European Youth Foundation

11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee-Break

11:30 – Session 4: Opportunities, means and support for active political participation of national minority youth (cont.)

12:30 – Closing of Youth Seminar

13:00 – Lunch

 Day 2. Afternoon – Policy Symposium

14:00 – Arrival of guests & Coffee

14:30 – Welcome Remarks

  • Péter SZTÁRAY – State Secretary for Security Policy and Energy Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Bjørn BERGE – Deputy Secretary General – Council of Europe (via video link)

15:00 – Keynote Presentations of the Recommendation on the Active Political Participation of National Minority Youth

  • Prof. Emma LANTSCHNER, associate professor, University of Graz and member of the Council of Europe’s Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

15:30 – 17:00 – Presentation of the outcomes of the Youth Seminar followed by Policy Roundtable

 Outcomes of the Youth Seminar – Presentation by the rapporteur Dr. Edina TORDAI

 Policy Roundtable with 

  • Louis ALBERT-BECKER, President, Youth of European Nationalities
  • László GUBIK, Via Nova Youth Policy Organisation, Slovakia
  • Dóra SZILÁGYI, Foreign Policy Advisor, Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, Romania
  • Xesc MAINZER, Member of the Advisory Council on Youth, Council of Europe (via video link)
  • Krisztián KARPINECZ, Youth section of the Transcarpathian Hungarian Cultural Association – Ukraine

Moderator: Balint MOLNÁR – Executive Director, European Youth Centre Budapest, Council of Europe

17:00 – Closing Remarks

  • Ferenc KALMÁR – Special Envoy to the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary
  • Balint MOLNÁR – Executive Director, European Youth Centre Budapest

17:30 – 20:30 – Council of Europe 75th Anniversary - Reception