Tagasi Council of Europe anti-torture Committee visits Azerbaijan

A delegation of the Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) recently carried out a two-day visit to Azerbaijan. The visit began on 12 January 2004 and was the Committee's second visit to Azerbaijan.

The main purpose of the visit was to collect information concerning the treatment of persons detained in relation to events which followed the recent Presidential election in that country. The delegation interviewed some thirty persons, currently held at Investigative isolator No 1 (Bayil) in Baku. In addition, the delegation visited the Temporary detention centre of the Department for combating organised crime in Baku. 

The CPT's delegation consisted of Jean-Pierre RESTELLINI, a Swiss forensic doctor, Marc NEVE, a Belgian lawyer, and Petya NESTOROVA of the Committee's Secretariat.

In the course of its visit, the CPT's delegation held discussions with Fikrat MAMMADOV, Minister of Justice, Ramil USUBOV, Minister of Internal Affairs, and Elsever AGAYEV, Deputy Minister of Health.

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