Vissza HELP – Online learning tool on Human Rights in Biomedicine

Online course “Key principles of Human Rights in biomedicine” is as topical as ever in the context of the complex and unprecedented situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
HELP – Online learning tool on Human Rights in Biomedicine

As emphasised by the Committee on Bioethics, it is essential that decisions and practices addressing the current health crisis meet the fundamental requirement of respect for human dignity. Human rights must be upheld to ensure that this situation does not increase existing vulnerabilities and lead to discrimination in the access to healthcare.


In this context, the online course on “Key principles of Human Rights in Biomedicine”, developed by the Bioethics Unit and the HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) Programme of the Council of Europe, is an easily accessible self-learning tool providing relevant information for legal and health professionals as well as other relevant actors in the field.


For further information on the course and on the different language versions available, consult the dedicated webpage. Furthermore, the flyer to the course is available in 22 languages.

Strasbourg 07 May 2020
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