Vissza Ministers to share workplace equality proposals

Ministers to share workplace equality proposals

Gender and labour ministers from all regions of Europe are to meet in Rome to share how countries are facing the challenge of creating a better work-life balance for women.

The conference, to be held in Rome on April 12, will look at ways that family responsibilities can be better shared and gender equality improved. It will study how couples divided caring tasks during the pandemic and assess the impact of new models such as working from home or part time work. The aim is to build better conditions for women to be economically independent despite continued gender gaps in both the public and private sector, contributing towards the goals of the Council of Europe’s Gender Equality Strategy.

The conference is organised as part of the Committee of Ministers Italian Presidency, by the Italian Minister of Equal Opportunities and Family in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and will be streamed online.

 Work-life balance as a leverage for women's empowerment and promoting gender equality

Council of Europe Strasbourg 8 April 2022
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