Back Declaration by the Committee of Ministers on the execution of Mr Hryhory Yuzepchuk in Belarus

Committee of Ministers

The Committee of Ministers deeply regrets the execution of Mr Hryhory Yuzepchuk in Belarus, the second of the four persons sentenced to death by Belarusian authorities in 2013 to be executed.

The Committee of Ministers appeals to the authorities of Belarus to provide the family of Mr Yuzepchuk with all the possible support to overcome their suffering, including, if this has not been done, with information on the location of his grave to allow a sense of closure.

The Committee of Ministers appeals again to the President of Belarus, Mr Lukashenka, to commute the sentences of Mr Eduard Lykov and Mr Aleysander Grunow, the remaining persons sentenced to death in 2013.

The Committee of Ministers reiterates that executions lead Belarus further away from the values of Council of Europe and strongly urges its authorities to establish a moratorium on executions as a first step towards its total abolition. 


See also:
Declaration by the Committee of Ministers on the death penalty in the United States of America

Strasbourg 28/05/2014
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