Back Italy: Consultation on Cultural Routes in the Alpine Region (Routes4U, EUSALP)

Italy: Consultation on Cultural Routes in the Alpine Region (Routes4U, EUSALP)

The first Routes4U meeting for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) was held on 2 and 3 April 2019 in Bard, Italy. The meeting was the occasion to discuss new Cultural Routes to be developed with a view to promoting and protecting the rich heritage of the Alpine Region as well as strengthening transnational cooperation. The meeting was organised in cooperation with the Italian Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta with the participation of the European Commission DG REGIO and within the framework of the 2019 EUSALP Italian Presidency programme.

Participants to the meeting included representatives from European Institutions, Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe networks and stakeholders from the cultural and tourism field at national and macro-regional level in the Alpine Region.

Seven countries are part of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Slovenia. Currently, more than 23 Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe cross the area.

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