Takaisin The ICC programme participates in the Foro Mundial for Peace

The ICC programme participates in the Foro Mundial for Peace

Madrid’s World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace is a gathering of local leaders, organisations and international networks, academic figures, NGDOs and civil society, aimed at opening up a joint process of discussion, reflexion and the construction of solutions which promote urban environments capable of eliminating expressions of violence.

More and more often, cities and local authorities are largely acting as catalysts in preventing conflicts and violence. The Intercultural Cities Programme is committed to recognise the importance of cities’ role in tackling these issues, and to offer solutions. To this aim, on 19-21 April in Madrid, the ICC programme will present the Anti-rumours methodology – inspired by the ICC city of Barcelona (Spain), including its global expansion since its launch through the Council of Europe C4i programme.

The main goal of the Anti-rumours methodology promoted by the Council of Europe is to counteract negative stereotypes, commonplace and false rumours regarding immigration and cultural diversity, that make interaction and coexistence difficult and often lead to discriminatory attitudes and racism. Following the C4i project, a growing number of cities is implementing anti-rumours strategies, initiatives and activities. That is why the ICC programme is now preparing an Anti-rumours Manual that will build on the main challenges that have been identified by the cities that have already run anti-rumours strategy and provide a common framework and tools for the cities willing to implement a Council of Europe officially recognised Anti-rumours strategy.

Madrid, Spain 19-21 April 2017
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